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Skills > Ecology

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Ecology allows you to measure some of the environmental conditions at the spot you're standing on in Egypt.

The skill is available at a School of the Human Body in 5 levels. You must pay tuition for each level, improving one level at a time (i.e. you cannot "skip" levels).

Tuition cost:

School: Body


A new menu selection labeled "Ecology..." appears on the special menu when you learn level 1. See the Ecology page for an explanation of the known enviromental variables and what affects them.

Level 1

Allows you to test the area for heavy metals. Uses both water in jugs and tadpoles to test. You are prompted for an amount of tadpoles to use for testing (more tadpoles gives more precision, but no more accuracy - you'd rarely need to use more than 100 tadpoles in a single test). Depending on the concentration of heavy metals at the testing spot, some ((deaths/no of tadpoles used)% pollution), all (100% pollution) or none (0% pollution) of the tadpoles will die.

Level 2

Tests the acidity levels in the soil, using 1 cabbage juice to mix with the soil. You get a message: "You determine that the acidity level in this area is X."

Level 3

Tests the groundwater levels in the area using a bundle of 1 dried flax to rub with soil. You get a message: "You determine that the groundwater level this area is X." (baseline is 100)

Level 4

Tests the phosphorus levels in the area, prompting for a beetle to dissect. Dissection results in a report: "You determine that the phosphorus level this area is X." (baseline is 100)

Level 5

Tests the soot levels in the area using 1 papyrus paper and 1 cactus sap. You get a message: " You determine that the soot level in this area is X."

I'm doing soil tests at sites of found forageable herbs, no idea if it will be helpful.

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Last edited June 28, 2005 2:10 pm by NoparKing (diff)