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The laws in effect in Egypt can be read at any voting booth. Booths can be found near chariot stops and expedition points. You can also vote on proposed laws at these booths.

To pass a new law, you must go to a University (not School) of Leadership, and start a petition. Any citizen can do this; you do not have to pass your Leadership initiation first.

About every month or so, a new ballot is put up for vote. A ballot contains seven or less petitions, based on the signature count of each petition. The top petitions that are classified as laws are put onthe ballot. There are two requirements for a petition to pass and become law: It must recieve a higher proportion of votes than any other law on the ballot, and it must recieve at least 2/3 "yes" votes.

After the ballot is over, some petitions on the ballot may die. There are two ways that a petition may die: The petition is among the two with the smallest proportion of votes, or if the petition received less than 2/3 "yes" votes.

The current ballot, established laws, and circulating petitions are listed below. See Failed for petitions that have been completely discarded, vetoed, or have failed on the ballot.

The old pre-renovation Law Library is still available.

The Tale 1 law petition Archive is here: Tale1laws

You can continue to carry a petition after you have collected and turned in signatures.

You can use the Drafts page to draw up laws and get feedback before creating them.


Bills that have passed the General Egyptian Ballot are listed here.

Law Name Translations Author Ballot Approval % Implemented
Driftwood Recycling Act MarvL 9/?/04 90.021% 9/10/04
Removal of Public Buildings Act Ay? 9/?/04 83.383% 9/15/04
Full ban of Machiavelli hipi 9/?/04 73.298% 9/19/04
Ease of Way on Public Roads Djehuty 9/?/04 70.780% 9/24/04
Trial account compound law Taral? 10/?/04 71.222% Partial: 10/4/04 / Full: 10/6/04
Departed Persons Property Reclaimation Act Amanesus? 10/?/04 79.919% 10/19/04
Mentor Shrines Feature Request Forgiving ? ? Implemented, unknown when
Welcome Banner Regulation Luna ? 75.978% 11/23/04
Amendment to the DPPRA ThutmosesIII? 3/Dec/04 84.161% Implemented.
Amendment to DPPRA Chopa? Unknown 87.755% 10/Dec/04
No Public Structures by a Trial Account ThutmosesIII? 1/Jan/05 86.381% 9/Jan/05
Public Building Act SandCalc? 9/Jan/05 85.167% 17/Jan/05
Dead Guild Hall Amendment to DPPRA DrDave? 17/Jan/05 85.167% 21/Jan/05
Takeskot Anti-Lag Law neonil? 21/Jan/05? 79.670% 25/Jan/05
Abandoned DPA Buildings Act Ascha 25/Jan/05 75.253% 30/Jan/05
The Wine Glass Security Act Ptenkhet 30/Jan/05 90.355% 6/Feb/05
The Melted Glass Preservation Act Ptenkhet 6/Feb/05 69.744% 17/Feb/05
Mine Accessability Act Rhyddereh 17/Feb/05 85.321% 27/Feb/05
Wood Plane Destruction Act Lahotep? 19/Mar/05 80.455% 29/Mar/05
DPA of Orphaned Art MarvL 30/Mar/05 73.000% 6/Apr/05
0 compound Reclamation Act ThutmosesIII? 3/Apr/05 72.632% 9/Apr/05
No stealing Yokir tables Khora 20/Apr/05 86.937% 28/Apr/05
Welcome Island Clean- Up Act gronk 1/May/05 90.041% 10/May/05
The Good Egyptian Maintenance Act Balthazarr 10/May/05 83.509% 7/Jun/05
Lost Elders Act Nepthys 7/Jun/05 75.706% ~7/July/05
Feature request - New title for best acro teacher Sassy ~12/Jul/05 74.766% 21/Jul/05
Pyrotechnics Research Act Sedelyan 24/Jul/05 84.103% 29/Jul/05
Stashed items option on guild halls Rokan 30/Aug/05 87.215% 19/Oct/05
Public Kitchen Usage FoxKids 5/Nov/05 88.272% 23/Nov/05
Khefre's Children Recognition Tweetiti 23/Nov/05 85.161% 12/Dec/05
Marital Property Law MardukXIII 12/Dec/05 82.584% 6/Jan/06
Enhanced Mining Purity Regulation Act Orashin 6/Jan/06 87.156% 27/Jan/2006
Wood Source Protection Act Tumaini? 27/Jan/2006 82.796% 7/Feb/2006
Private cart on public mines enhancement. CardinalTarod 20/Feb/2006 81.818% Pending

Petitions in Circulation

Petitions currently in circulation that have been neither vetoed nor placed on the ballot. PLEASE HELP TRACK PETITIONS!

Petition Name Translations Author Signatures Created Last Sighted Petitioners
A Griefer Solution Renegade 44 10/?/04 10/16/04 (?): Renegade Styxx
Trade Chest Creation Or Chest Option Additions Brewmithius? 77 10/?/04 10/16/04 (8):
Save Our Altars FalconsBane? 107 10/?/04 10/17/04 (5): Worf? Deeva
The Chest Logbook Act Shadus ? 10/21/04 10/21/04 (2): Shadus Sobe
[Portable Food]? Aberdon 1 11/01/04 11/01/04 (1): Aberdon
Public Compound and Building Reformation Act
none Teusou 69 12/1/04? 12/31/04 (4) Teusou, Shilik, Sallah-Hazerah, ?
Chest Destruction Act Niane 1 12/24/05?1:Niane
Inactivity Amendment to DPPRA Isandre 48 01/02/05 03/29/05 (3): Isandre Arpallan
Glassware Recycling Act Wibbler? 16 1/29/05 02/02/05
Single Commodity Infinite Chest Gurney 2 29/11/05 29/11/05
Metal Prospecting 40 NecromancerKing
Artisan Tile Act Chichis 3/2/05
ATI 9500 code paths Marrick 4/10/05 Marrick
Labeling Bonfires and Mines Bifa 250 1/05 6/14/05 13
Cleaning Gem Drop Areas of Mines Bifa 13 6/11/05 6/14/05 1
Gaming Code Of Conduct (please note, failed, but purpose is to carry as a statement) Rhyddereh 6/17/05 2+
Change to Chariot Routes Ankh-a-Amun 1 12/10/05
The Chariot Announcement Act Japto 76 11/26/05 (3): Japto
Wood Source Protection Act Tumaini 121 12/28/05 (19): Tumaini; Deeva; CardinalTarod; SunnyOne; MissAnaya; Rotah; TpCT ...
Trial By Jury Law ShanVizen January 2006 ShanVizen
Trial Account Payment And Notification Act Thujone January 2006 Thujone
Identification Of Museums And Public Works MarvL May 2006 Tale 3 only

Previous Ballots

Tale1lawsTeaoMay 15, 2006 10:04 pm482922A file of all the law petitions in tale 1

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Last edited May 15, 2006 10:17 pm by Teao (diff)