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Users > Chichis


About Me

I have been playing ATITD since the second month of Tale 1 (April, 2003). In Tale 1 I was involed in many different activities, projects, and scientific endeavors, most of which I don't remember at this point. My favorite memories/accomplishments in Tale 1 were flower breeding, trading, running the Mushroom Exchange, alchemy research, and co-leading the Vok Megalopolis prooject.

My goals in Tale 2 are to accomplish as much as I can and to help as many people as I can. Leadership is the main Discipline I am pursuing with Architecture and Worship as my secondary goals. I hope to be Oracle in all three of these disciplines. I also endeavor to do much scientific research. So far, I have done much research and written guides for both Cooking and Mining. I have also created a multifunctional Herb Database.

I love to help both new and experienced players. One of my favorite things to do is to explain how some part of the game works to someone. I spend a lot of my time reading the wiki, the forums, and being active on IRC. I try to soak in as much knowledge as possible about every aspect of the game. In turn, I enjoy passing on the knowledge I have gained to other people. If there's anything in the game that you need help understanding, feel free to contact me and ask about it. I'll explain it to you if I know about it, and if I don't I'll probably go research it and find out for myself.

I am married to Luna, my special girl. =D Everything's just better with someone to do it with. We met when she advertised herself as a cheap (but not easy) date on the radio, and I took her up on the proposition. We married on 9/10/2005.





Test Progress


Initiate Student Prentice Journeyman Scribe Master Sage Oracle
Architecture X X X X
Art X
Body X X
Conflict X X
Leadership X X X X X
Thought X
Worship X X X X








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Indulgence Numbers

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Last edited September 11, 2005 2:05 am by Chichis (diff)
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