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Laws > Taral > Trial Account Compound Law

Trial account compound law by Taral

To prevent misuse and littering of compounds, players with trial
accounts are prohibited from expanding a compound they own to span
more than 6 floor segments in either direction or creating a compound
while already owning one.

loi sur les ateliers des joueurs en période d'essai par Taral (translation by Kaayru)

Pour éviter les abus concernat les ateliers, les joueurs en periode d'essai ne sont pas authorisés à aggrandir leurs ateliers. Ils auront seulement le droit à un atelier de 6 portions ( 6 portion dés la construction de l'atelier ou bien rajoutées aprés )


Before implementing this law, Pharaoh discussed the details on System:

10-04-2004-04:59:00 Pharaoh here...
10-04-2004-05:00:00 I am about to implement the Trial Account Compound law, introduced by Taral.
10-04-2004-05:01:00 In that law a character in the free trial period may not own more than one compound. Obviously this is easy to get around by guilding the compound, and I assume that that is not the intent of the law.
10-04-2004-05:03:00 I can think of two ways to handle this: Either ignore that clause (or implement it in a way that allows for the obvious loophole), or prohibit trial accounts from guilding compounds. I prefer the cleanliness of the 2nd method, but it does go beyong what the law specifies. So, I'm going to run a simple poll and use that to determine the implementation method. Sound fair?
10-04-2004-05:04:00 If you have any suggestions before I put up the poll, /tell pharaoh ...
10-04-2004-05:09:00 Ok, good idea was suggested - allow guilding, but still count the compound as the trial account's one. That satisfies the spirit of the law better than any other method. No poll needed.
10-04-2004-05:34:00 The other assumption I will make is that the author of the bill meant a span of 6 of the original size cells (equal to 18 current cells), since some (all?) of the initial compound shapes are more than 6 (current) cells.

Implementing it took some time, and he spoke about it again two days later:

10-06-2004-19:26:00 Pharaoh here...
10-06-2004-19:30:00 The law "Trial Account Compound Law" is now in effect...
10-06-2004-19:30:00 The first part went into effect two days ago, limiting the number of compounds built by a trial account holder to one.
10-06-2004-19:31:00 Today I added the restriction that a compound built by a trial account holder may not span more than 6 coordinates in either direction.

A historical note is that this petition has been on every ballot since the first, until it passed on the fifth ballot.

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Last edited November 16, 2004 6:36 pm by kaayru (diff)