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Laws > Brewmithius > Trade Chest Creation Or Chest Option Additions

Trade Chest Creation or Chest option additions by Brewmithius

This petition is for the creation of a new type of chest. Called a Trade Chest. All the current options for chests are still used with the addition of these options.

1. Transfer of ownership Timer. This option would allow you to set a period of time when you make a transfer of ownership. At the end of that period the ownership reverts back to you. 6, 12, or 24 hour timer.

2. Transfer of ownership to a guild. This options allows you to transfer ownership to a guild.

3. Trade verifaction Setting. This option would allow you to set a required amount of item to be placed in the cest before any item could be removed. If said item and amount are placed in the cest then the currently stored item is givin to the person placing this item in the chest automaticly and the chest is closed and the ownership reverts back to the original owner. Thus completeing the trade.

I belive option three may be to much code but would be nice. I belive though the use of a chest like this would help trading.

Thank You

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Last edited October 17, 2004 2:29 am by Moofius (diff)