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Users > Isandre > Inactivity Amendment To DPPRA

Inactivity Amendment To DPPRA

In order to reclaim land and resources currently controlled by inactive accounts, the following amendment to the DPPRA by Amanesus is hereby proposed:

1) Any account which has been inactive for 30 days shall recieve notification via provided email address from the ATITD Newsletter subscription or, lacking such email address, the billing address. This notification shall include how long the account has been billed while inactive, instructions for closing the account, and a courteous invitation to continue playing.

2) Any account which has been inactive for 60 days shall be closed and the appropriate clauses of the DPPRA and it amendments shall immediately apply. A notification of account closure shall be sent utilizing method from P1 and shall include an invitation to resume playing and instructions for re-opening account (where possible).

3) Trial accounts are not subject to the notification portions of P 1 and P 2. At 60 days of inactivity, they are immediately closed and subject to the closed account clauses of the DPPRA and it's amendments.

4) Grandfather Clause: Any paid account which has been inactive 30 days or more at the time this amendment is implemented shall be notified IAW Paragraph 1 and given 30 days before account is notified and closed IAW paragraph 2.

5) Inactive in this amendment is defined as "Not logged in".

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Last edited January 18, 2005 4:36 am by Isandre (diff)
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