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Laws > Bifa > Cleaning Gem Drop Areas Of Mines

Cleaning Gem Drop Areas of Mines

There are chests and other items within the gem drop radius of many public mines in Egypt. If a stone is broken and it's gem lands under such, it can be impossible to retrieve the gem.

The purpose of this law is to clean up the gem drop radius of these mines, so we can freely pick up all the gems we mine.

Therefore, it is proposed that such items (not including compounds, or buildings built as part of any compounds) which were built *after* the public mine was built, can be destroyed (as can woodplanes with no blades) once they are one week old, beginning two weeks after the passage of this law. This will give owners of these items time to salvage their property before this law takes effect. Requiring a week of age allows someone who needs to build a chest for some emergency ample time to salvage it as well.

Additionally, such items built within the gem drop areas of private mines - *after* the private mine was built - may similarly be destroyed, but only by the mine's owner(s).

(Here, the phrase "gem drop area" refers to the fan-shaped area in front of a mine where stones may land when pulled from the mine.)

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Last edited June 14, 2005 11:37 pm by Bifa (diff)