(Title should probably be "0% compound Reclamation Act", but the % was probably eaten by the system)
Any compound that has been at 0% for more than 14 days may be claimed by someone as related to the various property reclamation acts.
Reasons: Even after all the Property reclamation and clutter removal acts there are still hundreds of compounds with rotting structures inside.
Many times people have claimed a compound and then forgot about it. Especially in other regions than they live in.
Lets remove the clutter and get rid of the 0% structures that litter the land.
I'm working on the 0% Compound Reclamation Act ...
I have completed the part about reclaiming compounds, but it's looks like *maybe* the law is meant to also address structures inside the compounds that are so claimed.
I have a chat in with ThutmosesIII, the law's author, and if it's decided that it should also apply to structures inside such compounds, I'll confirm that with a poll.
But I'd like to hear from anyone online now that has thought about the law - does it appear/seem that it should apply to structures inside such compounds?
Ok, most people are saying "yes, I assumed it meant the whole thing (buildings+compound), so let's put this to a poll. I'll need a few minutes to set the poll up.
(I should have caught this at the time I prepared the ballot, and categorized it as AmbiguousVeto, but I think that a poll-based vote is a good solution for this one.)
We'll use the normal voting threshold - at least 2/3 of those voting (ignoring those that pick the "I don't know enough to vote" option) must vote in favor of the more broad meaning to change the law.
I'll leave the poll running for 3 days, just like a vote. If after a day it's overwhelmingly clear that it will pass or fail, then we can stop the poll early and proceed.
The impact of this law is *huge* - approximately 30% of all compounds in Egypt will be covered.
The results of the poll on 0% Compounds is in - 579 in favor of applying the law to the compound+contents, and 80 in favor of just the compound itself.
The law is now implemented.
(Minor bug corrected on that law - if you had trouble, try again now.)
A few people have asked about how I reconciled the new law with previous laws saying that claimed items were allowed 14 days to repair.
Since this law simply says that certain classes of compounds and their contents may be claimed, I implemented it with the assumption that this law supercedes other laws.
So although a compound is claimed, it's not safe from claims by others until you repair it, at least a bit.
IOW, a strategy of grab-everything-the-minute-the-law-passes doesn't work.
I assumed that was the lawmaker's intent as well.
Strike that "At least a bit" part - to keep a compound it must be repaired as any other. (At one point I had experimented with partial compound repair.)
Fixed another bug that affected compounds with an active construction site inside. The construction site didn't previously get claimed with the rest of the contents. It now does. If you have encountered this bug, just re-claim the compound.
Tout atelier étant à 0% depuis plus de 14 jours pourra être réclamer et/ou détruit par n'importe qui.
Raisons: Même aprés toutes les lois qui sont passées concernant le nettoyage des terres Egyptiennes, il y a encore plusieurs centaines d'atelier avec des outils délabrés à l'interieur.
A chaque fois, les joueurs réclament un atelier, mais oublient de l'entretenir par la suite.
Aprés le vote, cette loi a été discuté sur le chanel "systeme"
Je travaille sur la loi concernant les ateliers à 0%
J'ai terminé la partie concernant les ateliers, mais "peut etre" cette loi concerne aussi els outils à l'interieur de l'atelier.
J'ai une discussion avec ThutmosesIII, l'auteur de la loi, et s'il est décidé que cela concerne aussi les outils a l'interieur, je le confirmerai par un sondage.
J'aimerai entendre l'avis de ceux qui sont connecté en ce moment.... (sondage lancé)
Ok, la plupart des gens disent "oui".
(j'aurai du remarqué que cette loi était ambigue quand j'ai préparé la liste à voter, et mettre mon veto, mais je pense que le sondage est une bonne solution)
Nous utiliserons le système de vote normal - au moins 2/3 des votant doivent voter en faveur de la loi.
Le sondage durera 3 jours, comme un vote.
L'impact de cette loi est énorme - approximativement 30% des ateliers en Egypte sont concernés.