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Laws > Ascha > Abandoned DPA Buildings Act

Abandoned DPA Buildings Act by Ascha

Abdoned DPA Buildings Act Egypt therfore declares: Any Building what is claimed under use of the Departed Person Abdonment Act must be repaired to full operation until 14 days or will be again falling under the rules declared by the DPA. Currently many players DPA Buildings that they dont tear down or use as they are not having the tecnics to repair building and therfore cant tear it down if they choose to overtake it first. Many people claim buildings and leave them be and thefore render the DPA usless. This Law shall help to keep egypt clean and leave place for new players approaching our lands.


System Channel 01-30-2005-07:15:00:
Question on the details of the DPPRA addendum:
When you claim a building that has partially decayed, the system records the time on the building itself. When a repair is made to the building, if the repair brings it to perfect, it clears that flag...
And if the time exceeds the recorded time then the building is claimable/tear-down-able under the DPPRA by anyone.
Er, exceeds it by 2 weeks that is.
Timer starts upon the DPPRA claim itself.
Buildings that have already been claimed are not subject to the law for technical reasons. (Previous to the law, the server wasn't recording any state details of the building at claim-time.
So any recently claimed buildings are safe - they're not subject to the law.

Lois sur les DPA abandonnés par Ascha (translation by Kaayru)

La Lois sur les DPA abandonnés déclare: Tous batiments qui est recupérer grace au DPA doit être réparé dans les 14 jours, sous peine de retomber sous le coup de DPA. Actuellement, beaucoup de joueurs recuperent des ateliers, pour les laisser ensuite à l'abandon. Cette nouvelle lois permettra de netoyer plus efficacement l'Egypte.


Chanel System 01-30-2005-07:15:00:
Question sur la Loi des DPA abandonnés.
Quand vous récupérez un batiment partiellement endomagé, le system décompte le temps sur le batiment lui-même. Quand une réparation est faire sur un batiement, et que celui ci est rendu en parfait état, cette loi n'est plus appliquable.
Et si le joueur ne répare pas l'atelier avant le temps imparti, celui-ci retombe sous le coup du DPA, et peut etre réclamé par n'importe qui.
Le temps imparti est de 2 semaines.
Le chronomêtre commence dés que le batiment est réclamé.
Les batiments qui ont déjà été reclamé de cette manièere ne sont aps affecté par cette loi, pour des raisons techniques.

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Last edited February 6, 2005 6:33 pm by kaayru (diff)