The Eternal Peasant
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Tests, tests, and more tests
- Discipline of Architechture, Student
- Test of the Towers, peasants not allowed to own bricks
- Test of the Obelisk, symbolism mildy disturbing
- Test of the Megalopolis, complete
- Test of Life, really, do you WANT me to comment?
- Test of the Phoenix, appears to involve mathematics, avoid at all costs
- Test of Octec's Ghost, uhmmm haunt THIS, dude!
- Disciplne of Art, Student
- Test of Kefre's Children, passed and promptly smooshied all my buggas. Die, you little cabbage eating bastages!
- Test of Pyrotechnics, due to legal complications, I am not permitted within 15 coords of anything flamable.
- Test of Flight, severely afraid of heights
- Test of The Raeli Mosaic, currently swearing at my materials.
- Test of Windsong, appears to involve something called "concentration".
- Test of Formal Garden, might attempt this if I can hire a hot gardner...
- Discipline of Body, Prentice
- Test of Acrobatics, complete
- Test of the Singing Cicada, complete
- Test of the Darkest Night, never mentioned in polite conversation.
- Test of the Safari, in alleged progress.
- Test of Reason, bwahahhaha me? Focus? Seriously, thats a good one..
- Test of Banquet, a far better guest than a cook, to be certain.
- Discipline of Conflict, Student
- Test of Telepathy, Rank 1
- Test of Heket's Rake, repeatedly pwn'd by Zanna
- Test of Yokir, OoOo i likie this one! HOLY CRAP I PASSED! How the hell did THAT happen??!
- Test of Sevenblade, its like dating, except with weapons. No wait, its like dating.
- Test of Zhadu, evokes stange pictures of Olivia Newton John on roller skates. My hair isnt big enough, really.
- Test of Kanivan Tak, lets see if the girl can master rake first...
- Discipline of Leadership, Prentice
- Test of Mentorship, completed just before prozac scrip ran out.
- Test of the Hegemon, completed.
- Test of the Host, completed, I now own over 16k flax seeds.
- Test of the Covered Cartouche, grumble, groan, bitch, moan. Stupid cartouche.
- Test of Demi-Pharaoh, now that I are a DP, i are not allowed to misspell 'pharaoh'
- Test of the Bureaucracy, completed at the cost of my sanity. Small thing, really...
- Discipline of Thought, student
- Test of the Tomb of the Immortal, complete
- Test of the Empty Hand Tower, complete
- Test of Pulse of the People, currently asking inappropriate questions. French Translation
- Test of the Pathmaker, complete
- Test of the Bijou, Deevas do not MAKE gems, deevas are GIVEN gems. Apparently, you guys dont know how this is aposed to work...
- Test of the Vennery, currently underway, could do with a bit more nudity...(20 deeva points to anyone who can name that quote)
- Dicipline of Worship, Student
- Test of Marriage, ball and chain surgery complete.
- Test of Vigil, unable to sit still.
- Test of Pilgrimage, I get lost with a map, coordiates, directions and fireworks as landmarks.
- Test of Festivals, currently pursuing because they include booze.
- Test of the Holy Shrine, complete, because if I hadnt, Blondie would have killed me.
- Test of the Humble Priest, hahahahahahahha...oh, that hurts, must breathe...hahahahahahahha....
Pictures and other materials for blackmail