How To
This page is aimed at a new citizen arriving in Egypt proper (after you've built your ferry). For immigrants on the welcome island, these pages may be more helpful:
This page will ideally serve as a FAQ and solutions page for all those questions that have no simple answer, yet are important for a new player to know. Please add as they arise, or as they occur to you! Ideally use a similar layout to those already provided in order to keep the answers as readable and easy to understand as possible.
Alternative places to look for answers:
Unanswered questions
Feel free to add questions here to (hopefully) be answered by someone.
When adding a question please remeber to add a summary of the query on the summary line as this will
allow people looking at
Recent Changes to see your question and this should result in a quicker response.
- This is an example question line - copy me
- [How do I get cut stones to enlarge my compound?]? (tips: explain first it isn't needed ;) )
- [I dropped something and can't see it - where did it go?]? (utils->portable items to bags, zoom in for gfx limited cases)
- [How do I make my character's stats (especially endurance) higher / make the endurance timer shorter?]?
- [How can I get around faster?]? (link travel pages, explain dex/speed boosts)
- [How do I edit the wiki? (and this question list ;) )]?
The How-To's