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How To > Hotkeys

How do I use hotkeys?

Hotkeys let you do use some buildings without mouse clicks - like pressing P to plane a board on a wood plane/carpentry shop or for glassblowing in the Glory Hole. Hotkeys are indicated on menus by a letter in square brackets at the end of an option, e.g. "Plane a piece of wood into a board [P]".

To use hotkeys, you need to enable an option to allow you to minimise your chats (otherwise keypresses go to chatting). Under the Utilities -> Options:Chat-Related, check the option "Chat and Inventory can be minimised". If you want to continue to monitor chat tabs, also check the option directly underneath, "Minimized chat-channels are still visible".

To use a hotkey on a building:

  1. Minimise chats (hit enter on a blank line or double click any chat tab)
  2. Point the mouse cursor at the building you want to use (it must be touching/hovering on the building)
  3. Press the hotkey

Hotkeys are especially useful for planing boards - cycle the mouse over an array of carpentry shops pressing P quickly to cut lots of boards quickly.

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Last edited June 28, 2005 2:37 am by FaceAnkh (diff)