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Guides > Spoiler-Free Guide

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Okay, so, this will basically just be a guide to the Mentor Islands and such, intended to let the player figure out as many things as they can /on their own/ without forcing them to go everywhere without hints. Written by Sedelyan, etc, etc.

Starting Out

So, you've decided to play A Tale In The Desert! You've come to the right place. This guide will help you figure out a path off the mentor island, and with any luck will allow you to get a fair start in the game.
The first thing you want to do is figure out how to use the client.

Client Controls

The client for the game is quite similar to any other MMORPG, with one or two major differences. First, you'll notice there's a very minimal "HUD", or "Heads-Up Display". On ATITD, there are only seven main stats and a large number of skills, which are all listed under "Skills". You won't need to worry about those yet, though. By moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, you can zoom and rotate the camera around yourself. Try that now.

Now that you've experimented with the camera a bit, try some basic controls.

Now to get you off this island.

Getting off the Newbie Islands



By now you should be able to build a ferry and get off the island. Congratulations, and welcome to Egypt!

One You are off the Island

Normal Chat Bubbles look like this;

Mentors Look like this (Presence of Horus Chat bubble);

GM.bmpZatargNovember 11, 2005 7:57 am54582The Game Master Chat Bubble
mentor.bmpZatargNovember 11, 2005 7:57 am23454The presence of horus chat bubble
normal.bmpZatargNovember 11, 2005 7:56 am33594The normal chat bubble

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Last edited November 11, 2005 7:59 am by Zatarg (diff)