This page is meant as nothing so much as an umbrella for any feature requests players have for T3. In this, they should be sorted into three or four sections, then organized by feasibility, easiest at the top. With luck, the simpler ones may be implemented, and add up to a somewhat friendlier interface (and game!) than T2 has.
If a dev reads this, please consider each request in turn, and respond to the unimplementable or unmanagable ones with a veto.
- Implement a warning before tearing down a building, especially compounds. (I've accidentally clicked the 'tear down' on the compound once too many times.) <Uh, there IS a warning on building tear down. It specifically asks are you SURE? - Apophis> <Double checked - it's there for buildings, not there for compounds. Well, it's there for compounds in T3. -Apophis>
- Implement a warning before picking up a brick rack. There is no warning on this, and since they now crumble, becomes quite noticable. Also, is it right that picking up 'crumbles', whilst tearing down gets back some of the original cost. Should it be crumble at all times, or can we remove the 'pick up' option, leaving it to tear down instead
- Swap the two styles of F8 camera, so that Cartographer Mode is immediately accessible. The other F8 camera is rarely used. <Under consideration. -Apophis>
- Allow hotkey for "max" on various dialogs; maybe insert, as it's near both "Enter" keys. -- ShanVizen
- Allow pressing number keys for the task icons. Each number key would activate whichever icon happens to be on the screen from left to right. <Vetoed by Apophis> <Why vetoed ? Just curious. Ankh-el-Pandemis>
- Option to set the OK button to Max in the pop-up asking for quantity.
- Sort the friend list indirectories and sub-directories, easier to check Teller online, GMs online, etc...
- Minimizing the tab will minimize all the black tabs.
- Allow the client to go 'Full Screen' unwindowed in Windows OS (Wouldn't this stop most Macro from working? - Rena)
- Option to have a confirmation popup when ripping out flax beds.
- Allow the use of arrow keys to spin and zoom the camera.
- Allow holding down the middle mouse button to spin and zoom the camera.
- Shift+arrow(left/right)/home/end selection in chat. --Armeagle vvv
- and up arrow to cycle through chat input history.
- Shift/Alt/Ctrl+F9/F10 goes trough the tabs on the left (since there are so many more now)
- Hotkey to (un)sticky the last focussed stikieable (hmm guess tech-vetoed since game doesn't keep track of that.
- Arrow up/down in 'chest' Browse inventory to go to different items; (Ctrl/Shift/Alt+)left/right to transfer different amounts.
- Scrollwheel should scroll a 'list' if it has mouseover/hover.
- Even with 'Use console instead of popups for many messages' I think it helps if Test info (like text showing requirement of level 4 for an init) appeared in a popup.
- Though i'd prefer the popup from crumbled Brick Racks gone to the Chat. --ArmEagle ^^^
- Scrollbars on the F3 map would be awesome. --Kraus
- I'd prefer a dragable map, like googlemap --AE
- Dragable, even better! (at any rate, a way to pan the map somehow) --Kraus
- An option to have the large stylish chat bubbles not drawn until the player is close by so they don't clutter up the screen when off on the horizon.
- Endurance icon should blink a few times when it's about to expire. (well yeah that would sure ruin the use of macros --AE :)
- Skills tab should turn yellow when a skill changes if it is not the active tab.
- Herbs that have been successfully harvested three or more times to have just one menu option, the correct harvest method (now with eat herb from ground, two menu options - eat and forage with correct method) [PhysicsVeto by Teppy after Law had received 29 supporting signatures]
- Rename the different kind of jugs to 'Jugs (Empty)' 'Jugs (Water)' 'Jugs (Sulphurous Water)'. This way empty&full jugs end up nicely below each other in the list.
- Founders chat bubbles to be permanently visible but small as per normal chat bubbles. They are too big and annoying at digs. Seen as a liability not an asset. [There's an option to disable to chat bubble - if you hold it, in appearance; to stop others, it's in chat options]
- Have a tab in the Utilities Menu that allows all built items to be Guild as well as public. We have one for Public building but not one for Guild Building. Makes for a lot less clicking if we had an auto command for building something Guild as well as the option for building something Public. <Sylvan, Faris, Krae>
- How about a zoom function for the F3 map? Sometimes landmarks start to overlap and terrain features obscure test.
- Hotkeys for growing any type of plant. <Neouni>
- Allow buildings to be owned by two or more people.
- Allow compounds to be labeled. <Added for T3. -Apophis>
- Allow chests to be sectioned into several segments, such that it is possible to store different types of materials in different 'sections'.
- Allow different sections of compounds to be painted in different colours. <TechVeto -Apophis>
- Add a couple more distinctive distinctive compound features *during the telling*. Thinking of the petition going around to make buildings of public interest (museums, public works) distinguishable. Could allow laws requiring presence of some building (or permission set) for permission to add the feature to the compound. -- Sabt-Pestnu <This is feasible, but hard to do because of the art pipeline (artists are often working on stuff that you guys are about to release or unlock, which is clearly more important than vanity stuff) -Gentry>
- In general, more compound options will allow us to turn Egypt to a more beautiful place. -- ShanVizen
- Allow at least two (possible more, but not infinite numbers of) compounds to have the walls down at the same time. If you have a furnace in one cp and a chest/tent in another, switching between them is v.frustrating
- Better inventory system for beetles. Perhaps a chest with inventory viewing interface like a beetle tank. And/or make better names for them so you know if it is a new beetle in tank or not. (keep them sequential) -- Anankha <How about simply being able to add chest storage to a terrarium? - sabt-pesntu>
- Considering the amount of benches in Egypt, either take away the option to sit in them or provide a public hookah so you can smoke as suggested. --Anankha
- Allow public useable bore holes to be tapped by anyone, but only retrieved by the owner. <This seems to be something that should be done as a law. -Apophis>
- Ability to change color of chests (for easier identification)
- Ability to lock an anvil (utility menu), so it is possible to take a break on a 9797 shovel without fearing a misclick on the anvil.
- Allow tools to be installed onto an anvil so that you don't have to carry around 4 different types of hammer when you want to blacksmith.
- Allow a recipe to be recreated easily by adding a 'Make this meal again' option to the kitchen
- Separate permissions to consume (enjoy food, fill glass, drink) from permissions to use, on kitchen and tasting table.
- Allow Flint Blades, last longer than stoneblades but not as long as carpentry blades
- Allow players to build banners other than just Welcome banners (ie: black banners)
- Place "Pick up Brick Rack" option under utilities
- Menu in Special Menu listing all owned buildings and their co-ordinates. If not all owned buildings, then at least chest locations and compounds.
- Allow preview of the default compound types. This is handy for positioning, seeing how a compound is oriented, etc. --ArmEagle vvv <Tech Veto. Compounds are built procedurally from a single compound tile, so it's not possible to pre-render the whole building. We may be able to improve to process with a new menu system for building compounds (like at least show you what shape compound you are building), I'll investigate. -Gentry>
- When changing the blueprint of a Compound, allow the viewing of building-resource requirements (Load materials), but don't toggle that items have been loaded, untill something was really added. Often you make changes and wonder what the costs are (esp. with the trims and walls). The system is contradictionary now, since trying to make a change -after checking the materials needed- gives "Materials have already been loaded. ..." But if you then close the 'Edit Blueprints' popup it says "The blueprints have been altered. You can now load materials to alter the compound itself.". Though you can't change the compound anymore then. --ArmEagle ^^^
- Perhaps change the look a bit further on the new mines. Have heard several comments that they look like dog "poop". Sorry.
- add chest name to the info included in the copy contents to clipboard. this will allow closly placed chests that have same coords to be distinguished for database purposes.
- Allow players to claim land. Each player can claim a few sectors of land around their compound (connected), in any shape they choose (think phantom sectors built.) Players should start with the ability to only claim a few sectors, and get more as they level. This allows for players to save land for future expansion. Also allow players to donate claims to their guild, with a possible bonus (for ever 3 sectors added, a extra sector is given.) Land claims should be viewable by anyone and the player should be able to change his land claim at any time.
- (Done) Flimsy Brick Racks now include a [B] Make bricks hotkey. Improved Brick Racks could use this as well.
- Add hotkeys for harvesting petals and checking for bulbs to Ra menu...important for really big gardens.
- Allow mine repair materials to be loaded into a mine like the construction site interface, only return these if the mine is teared down. (this will make it easyer to maintain public mines) <Neouni>
- Allow compound repair materials to be stockpiled in a compound to some reasonable extent, to be used as needed. Repairing the compound would still require some user's intervention, but the materials would be on-site and only useable for maintenance (unless the compound is torn down. Requiring a special building (chest?) be built for this purpose could work. (If stored maintenance material is insufficient, materials needed are used, and the maintainer is informed of the lack.)
- Global or regional chats, accessible either through tech or skill. (Regional Chat already in Tale 3)
- Localized event calendars, player-controllable, at chariot stops. (Calendar feature already in Tale 3)
- The ability to mute (/ignore) players in general chat and guilds, not merely through tells. <TechVeto - Apophis>
- Please bring back Egyptmail
- tab-completion of player names!
- give tells/whispers a different colour then blue in main
- Ability to add square brackets (or other distinct similar signs) around timestamp & nickname in order to easier see/read chatwindows, ie: OLD: 10h03m Pharaoh: NEW: [10h03m Pharaoh]:
- Allow a player's home to be set only to a compound or 'house' (tent, small house, etc.) that they build. <Don't want to limit current capabilities. -Apophis>
- Have chariot stops scale upwards in cost of waypoint time if a waypoint has been recently used, rather than forcing players to wait 7:30.
- When using chariot stops, have players appear outside the graphic of the chariot stop. (Includes bouncing due to lag/timing issues.)
- Allow players to build expensive 'global waypoints', which would only last a brief period of time when opened.
- Allow players to build docks on the nile or ocean that they could place items on to ship to other docks. The time it would take to ship would be based on the distance and number of items and would take longer than a player running the items there on foot.
- Pack animals (camels, etc) that allow for carrying of large amounts of a resource, but slow down walking speed, and disallow chariot or waypoint travel of any kind. Useful for moving a large amount of some resource over shorter distances without having to run back and forth 50 times.
- Alternative to pack animals - carts similar to ore carts (if artwork is easier).
- Numlock for autorun, instead of having to continually click. <Vetoed - Apophis. This is a 'dead horse'>
- Allow citrus to be added to kitchens as a foodstuff, using the basic item type for ingredient information. (Possibly impossible -- reference 'raeli tiles in sculptures'.) <There is more food coming - gonna veto this for now due to the large amount of stuff required for it. Something to consider for the future. -Apophis>
- Wheat.
- Allow sheep to produce wool, cardable and weaveable like flax fiber. <Under consideration. -Apophis>
- More options on low-level flax, including the possibility of distaffs that require timers, but produce faster.
- Allow feeding of livestock to be capped at certain rates, with a greatly increased rate of illness and lower yields/breeding per animal. <Explain this better. -Apophis> <This sounds like they meant that you could, say, set your camel pen so your camels can eat less than they might want to. The advantage is that your straw (or cabbage for beetles or carrots for rabbits or whatever) would last longer, but the disadvantage would be that you would breed fewer of the animals in question and they might have a chance to become ill or otherwise die off. I can see why this would be useful, if you were, say, going to be away for a long time but don't want to have to have your rabbits in your inventory, or if you just would rather swap the health of your animals for more time doing other things. - solipsistos>
- Craftable resources to make slate, clay, and flint easier to pick up after a period. <Under consideration. -Apophis>
- Allow milk to be turned into secondary products, possibly with an end/str timer; cheese and butter may add to Egypt's fare. <Interesting. -Apophis> <Vetoed - FaceAnkh :p>
- Silt dredgers, which break the 'silt generators' in the nearby area but produce silt over time at a rate of ~1/min. <It would be bad to use this to monopolize silt. Perhaps not break the nearby silt generators, but be limited to "no closer than X to another silt generator", ala raeli ovens? - Sabt-Pestnu>
- Torches created from cut gems. <Displaying cut gems takes a lot of ram. Putting them in a permanent display would be a big deal, so Vetoed. -Apophis> <Not sure how this differs from a gem cutting table, if you were to limit it to "within a compound only" - Sabt-Pestnu>
- More enormous projects, like DWMs.
- Raeli tiles in sculptures.<This is in for T3. However, only one color tile will be able to be used per sculpture. Multiple colors will require multiple sculptures. -Apophis>
- Add more choices to the initial art init, possibly allow more items? After playing 2 tales, something/anything new would be a nice change. A choice of flooring could allow a bit more creativity and visual attractiveness for those wanting to create more detailed designs later on (of course using either paint or marble etc, so costing a bit more to create). Painting a canvas might be a fun art project as well.
- Allow players to craft fishing poles, possibly with better stats <Implemented in T3. -Apophis>
- Right now paint is made entirely of pigments. Perhaps it would be interesting to make paint mostly from oil and turpentine (derived from tree resin) and adding a smaller quantity of pigments. It would be closer to reality and reduce the enormous amount of pigment materials currently required.
- Is "repeat last recipe" on paint qualify as asking for a pony? It would replace making a macro to do the same thing... Perhaps have a focus timer and a "sorry, not enough <ingredient x>"? And yes, this is largely (but not completely) unnecessary with larger batche sizes. - Sabt-Pestnu
- Allow swimming and climbing. (I believe this has been mentioned as possible by Teppy on forums but would nice to know for sure ~ Zintwana)
- On the basis of swimming being coded allow diving for oysters (would not have to be animated - just a pop-up with a Con timer for breath). This would allow added resources of oyster meat, Mother of Pearl (for fancy inlay) and a selection of pearls of differing rarities.
- On the basis of having pearls, allow the making of jewelery with the pearls.
- Pyro: The ability to label steps in fireworks mortars.
- Pyro: A pop-up menu for picking stars rather than having to click through all available stars
- Pyro: Ability to insert a stage in the middle, or perhaps to reorder the stages (say, swapping two adjacent stages) in the list.
- Pyro: An error message for steps with unspecified stars rather than just "placeholder star" in the cost. (I have had to explain this to several people as recently as last week.)
- Pyro: Automatically disarm/rearm mortar if altered since last test firing/live firing. Currently, if you change stars on a stage, the old stars are "held" by the mortar until disarmed... and consumed if live fired. (Gunpowder too, if memory serves.)
- Pyro: It would be nice if the legitimacy requirement at a pyrotechnics stadium dropped slowly between contests. This would encourage more contests with fewer "dud" entries, as well as encourage players to host contests in different locations around Egypt. It could drop, say, 1 point per week, resetting to the maximum value when a contest was actually held there.
- Allow the salvage skill to be used on gearboxes.
- Make the Phoenix and Towers etc announcments no longer on system but on a popup you can turn off via tests menu.
- Have the Art & Music Initiation Test show you the names of those who have given 'Interesting' votes, like the Leadership Initiation Test currently does for those who support your initiation petition.
- Allow a method for handling diging with a single player, preferrably by using some sort of 'bulkhead' or some other tech that requires a # of materials per dig (like 20 bricks, 10 boards, etc) to keep the hole from collapsing on itself. Perhaps something akin to digging up tooth limestone (with more people/faster timer, you can get more progress and less lost ground, but at worst case, you take seven steps forward, five steps back, net +2). With digging requiring several digs at a time, this could get quite expensive to the current method, but would allow people in less-populated regions to at least be able to get materials with an added cost. (it *is* possible to solo dig with good food and a good shovel. ~Calixes)
- We can learn to build and use kilns very early, but we can't learn how to start fires until Controlled Burn is unlocked. That seems backward. We should be able to learn fire starting around the time we first can build kilns.
- Change the "Daughter of Bes" avatar back the way it was... having midget feet is better than having giant ape arms... and I want my lips and chest back, darn you! -Teleute
- Cultivation of mushrooms in a muchroom valt.
- BONFIRES FOR WOOD STORAGE to prevent plethora of chests.... then lag.... then frustration !!!!!
- Being able to run more than one carpentry shops,flax combs etc. by your "Multi-Tasking" level which will allow you to use one or more buildings at a time starting with 0 and working its way up to level 3 which would be working 4 buildings ( Just an idea =) )
- Some sort of mount which can walk/run (horses), I find that very many people would like this method of transportation. Horse riding could be a 'Skill' which you need to learn and you need to find or maybe you get a horse when you learn the mounting skill!
- Implement titles for specialists -- for example, those with over 200 beer, wine, fumeology, or gastro, or with an extremely high judging count in Thought and Art. (The latter MAY not be possible with the new system. --Sed)
- Require players to visit the University/Thought/Art building when passing a test, or at least be logged on -- so that they do not miss the zap. <Under consideration. -Apophis>
- Ponies. <Vetoed. - Apophis. :)>
- No more Vetos <Vetoed - Apophis>
- Pony mounted lazers. <Vetoed - Apophis>
- No more Apophis <Vetoed - Apophis>
- More Apophis <Vetoed - Mortomes, representing the people of Egypt>
- New Fish Map (to make sure the newer lakes are on it)
- Ability to mark 1 item as a family heirloom that will be passed down to your future generations <Vetoed by Teppy (game unbalancing) -Gentry>
- Change Flower Petals:Rose of Ra to Flower Petals:(first type from University)
- as much as possible have building/uni/test/etc requirements listed in the same format and order as found in chests
- allow copy function to work in uni research and large construction projects
- Lobsters that can be fished and bred.
- Off shore farms, small yet usable. Theyshould be used for breeding fishy animals.
- Herb cultivating.(I like that idea :) )
- If herbs and mushrooms will still show up together in inventories and chests, put them at the end of the alphabet rather than in the middle, and prefix the name with Herb: and Mushroom:
- Or possibly make a box to hold cooking items. Nothing too over the top, just make it green in color (need the paint to make it) and have it group herbs at the top, fish in the middle, and shrooms at the bottom so they are not mixed and easier to locate.
- New item, "Toolbelt", that can only contain tools (fishing pole, shovel, hatchet, scythe, sledgehammer, lead hammer, anvil tools, jeweler's pick, etc.; in other words, things that you have to have in inventory to perform an action, but don't get consumed). The contents of the tool belt are not automatically emptied when stashing "All". <Separate option to stow complete 'Toolbelt', perhaps?> Possible limitations to prevent its use to circumvent carry limits: holds no more than one tool of each type, toolbelt+contents takes up some standard amount of weight/bulk from inventory. Alternative approach: Allow inventory items to be marked "sticky" so they stay in inventory unless specifically removed. Or simply a second class of inventory, Equipment, or some such.
- Tomes for Learning, made of papyrus and ink (book stuff). Written by playes with X tech, in twice as many facets it would take to teach. Can be used as many times as needed, to teach someone a skill in half the amount of time, or so they can use it themselves to learn a full tech in the normal amount of facets without someone else being there to teach them. (Can include pictures? :D) (Pop-up books? :D)
- Pie (We get leavened bread maybe, so why not pie? ;D) <Vetoed. Pie is dead. -Gentry>
- Option In Interface settings to Fill/Empty all jugs and not be prompted for count
- Resizeable windows on MAC/OSX please!
- The message telling us if the student learned a facet or not should come at the end of the acro move not the beginning. So we will know when it is time to do the move again. Should make acro faster without changing the timer.
- Driveable ore carts, optional customizations. Whitewalls - req lev 5. Fog lamps - req lev 30.
- Rims, for the cart.
- Camel drawn chariots.
- Zeppelins. Nah, that's way too crazy. What? They're already in game?
- Player build barge stops along the Nile. NPC or PC barges to ferry tradeables. Population should be centered around the Nile.
- Map revealed as you wander, rather than immediately available. How do I know what a new area looks like if I've never been there before? Maybe a circle around the player of some radius revealed as you wander. Maybe can get maps of a larger region centered on your current position with locals (mechanic like teaching Kanivan Tak in T2 or something).
- Once you've passed test of the acrobat (and possibly reached a certain number of facets taught), add a "Run through all my moves" button.
- Rare wildflowers to be had randomly around Egypt, perhaps some sort of mini-game to transplant them into your garden.
- Sea Glass and the ability to make sea glass mosaics
- Player made fences in 1 coordinate lengths. That would be an amazing stranger tech. Think of the conflict it could cause!
- Small decorative scarabs as rewards for passing L1-3 beetle gardens. Patterns would match the winning beetle. Perhaps different sizes for L1-3.
For more information
On my blog, I've posted a FAQ. Ask questions, especially things that have been told 'no'. I intend to keep it pretty serious. Don't ask what will happen in T3 too much, except procedurally. I want to explain 'dead horses'. -Apophis