This page is for the purpose of just throwing out ideas which might be made into petitions sometime. Because of the "Anonymous Edit" feature of the wiki (see the bottom of the page), it is possible to add an idea to the list without your name being tacked on it, which may ensure a more unbiased response. Responses to ideas, however, /may not be anonymous/ -- you have to add your name to it. Of course, if you want your idea to have your name on it, that's perfectly all right. If you make one of these petitions in game, please remove it from this list.
Feature List
- The requirement for livestock (sheep, beetles, rabbits, chickens?) to be added to vigils. --Sedelyan
- A "turn off sculptures" option in video options, to help those of us who get massive video-lag in city centers.
- Firework mortars can't be DPPRA'd? Whats so special about them?
- How about making it possible for us to make presents for others. It would be a nice gesture to be able to leave a gift for someone who has helped you out.
Law List
- The return of the T1 law which allowed sculptures to be torn down if they had 20 more eyesore votes than interesting votes.
- A law to help get rid of woodplanes owned by non-departed players/guilds after a reasonable delay (a week?). Potentially also brick racks and drying racks which have not been used for a while (again, a week?).
- definitely not drying racks - they're very cheap and useful for cases that don't need speedy drying (I use 10+ for drying camel/brick straw and have no desire to waste canvsa on hammocks to replace them). I'd also hate to have to re-lay my brick racks every week :S (yes, I have BMs now, but can imagine lots of people don't) -- FaceAnkh
- Make hotkey's on brickracks to make bricks, not to cause a bug.