The Garlic Festival has concluded!
First off, it was great to see so many people taking part in the festival...
297 people participated as Gourmands...
And there were 81 kitchens serving food at least check.
I thought that prizes should reflect the two approaches to the festival.
Gourmands, eager to experience all that Egypt has to offer, beauty, rarity. For the top 49 Gourmands, an exotic strain of a flower type only rumored by our ancestors: a "Prismatic" Sand Bloom.
And chefs, in search of new and unusual ingredients, a tool for scavenging that few have seen: A Huntsman's Fishing Pole.
And for the top 7 in each category...
(In addition to the above prizes)...
A Stone Phoenix of Perception. These stone Phoenix may be placed in *any* location you choose.
Those top chefs and gourmands are:
RehemaSagira for serving 99 gourmands, TheMazeEcho for serving 93 gourmands, Rena for serving 93 gourmands, Lindie for serving 90 gourmands, Helpmaboab for serving 85 gourmands, Ingrothechunder for serving 84 gourmands, and dedenav for serving 81 gourmands.
Top chefs, you should have received a "Certificate for a Stone Phoenix", which a GM will (in about 10 minutes0 be able to trade for a Stone Phoenix...
You should go to the area where you'd like the Phoenix, and do a GM call from there.
The top 7 Gourmands are:
Helpmaboab for a score of 5308, Altair for a score of 4968, Amy for a score of 4803, Amtep for a score of 4594, Gumby for a score of 4523, Al-Bilal for a score of 4371, Hetepsenwosrat for a score of 4342
I'm curious how many dishes those amounted to. Let me take a look...
Helpmabob sampled 29 dishes...
And Altair 30.
Amy also sampled 29.
Amtep just 25. A true Gourmand...
Amtep and Gumby each 25 also.
Al-Bilal sampled 28 dishes. Not a very picky eater...
And Hetepsenwosrat, 25.
A fun festival - I was able to enjoy a few dishes myself :)
As you can probably guess by playing ATITD, I'm into food & wine in real-life, and next Saturday, I'm planning to consume 26 dishes at a restaurant in Chicago. "Alinea" is a place that I've always wanted to try - it's about as "out there" as restaurants get...
They do things like use lab equipment to prepare certain dishes, and most of the silverware is custom made for the dish. (And it's not knives and forks.)