This machine will consist of two laws.
The law of induction.
And the basic law of gravity
This machine will be based like a Automatic machine. Just like the flax gin and so forth. The equation will be based on Es= LI2 But unfortunatley i can not write the whole equation based On formating of wiki. But to go on. The basic law in this is the induction. Induction is of two coils that create heat when a object is bounced between two coils. Thus creating the basic electricity that we use today. so the thing is to make a machine that can create electrical current to power something that isnt automated thus the pottery wheel. It needs a vigourous tap on the handle to work. So what im saying here is that there is a way to make in automated. Just like an upgrade to the current object. These upgrades consist of A metal object. (thinking of aluminum. that can be carved from another machine to make a battery shaped metal) But considering that carving back then isnt as Efficent as today the coils can wear out. But easy to carve. Each 100 objects it makes. It displays a message saying. You have overused the coils they have now worn out. You can keep on using them but this is dangerous considering that Induction creates heat and over using coils can result in explosions. Destroying both the machine and what i like to call the Automater. So considering that the friction between these two objects is a way of induction. It is also considered that electricity was discovered so far back yet. no one knew. Just look ever single thing that causes friction is a form of electricity. The pottery wheel makes friction because of the counter-clockwise motion. But to start the machine you twist a screw in and wind it up so much that it goes. Ok people im finished i hope pharoah comes to like this idea. Electricity has been around for thousands of years it was discovered in the 19th century. So thus i think that Using the laws of induction in atitd3 would be great.zeyZeyzey