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Trick Or Treat

It's Halloween!

Depending on who you listen to, it's

But all agree it's a good excuse for a party.

In Egypt this year (2005), bands of people are going from School to School, trick-or-treating!

The schools are treating people to fireworks, samples of those fireworks that have won competitions in The Test Of Pyrotechnics. ... And not merely all schools of some type, or in a single region, either... all schools everywhere, reportedly without repeating any other. - Inevitably, there were repeats. - S-P

Apparently, groups of up to 7 are being rewarded in their trick-or-treating by being given as many of that firework as the group has members. So gather your friends (or acquiantances, or random strangers) and go celebrate the day trick or treating, then in firing off those fireworks!.

And when you run out of fireworks, come look here to see new efforts of egypt's Pyrotechnicians... or to join their ranks and create wonders for the delight of all.

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Last edited November 1, 2005 7:17 pm by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)