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Pyrotechnics Contest Schedule

See Also: Pyrotechnics Guide, Pyrotechnics Stadium Locations, Star Rack (for star recipes)

The following is a proposed schedule, with contests taking place at a regular time every 2 weeks and rotating through all the stadiums.

Upcoming Contests

       Map of Egypt





When Region Location Notes
2006/04/23 17:00 UTC
ND 676, 7127 Saturday. Please contact Sabt-Pestnu with scheduling or location issues. Sponsorship available

For the Test of Pyrotechnics, contests are run by the participants. A contest may be held at any time, but you will need 10 or more participants to make it happen. If you are unable to make any of the proposed contests, please add an additional contest at a time you can make it. You may wish to find out if there are others who can also make it at your selected time before adding it.

When planning if you can attend, keep in mind that the signups will start around the listed time, but the contest won't start until 30 minutes later. Signups last 10 minutes, followed by a call for judges. If you wish to spectate, you will enhance your enjoyment by also judging the displays. Signup for judging anytime up to the end of the participant signup period. The call for judges lasts up to 10 minutes (it can end early if everyone responds to the call or if not enough judges are found). There is then a final 10 minute wait for the judges to arrive (if you accepted a judge call, you will get a waypoint at the stadium). If all goes well, the contest will start and typically lasts 2-3 minutes/participant. If any of the steps fail, the process must start over and it will be 30 minutes before it can start (from the point of failure, after either 10 or 20 minutes).

If you plan on participating, it is recommended that you join the Pyromaniacs guild as it will make coordinating the contests easier. The guild is located just east of the RSO CS. Please /chat an elder after applying for quick acceptance.

Past Contests

When Region Notes
2006/02/25 18:00 UTC
2006/02/06 21:00 UTC
2006/02/04 03:00 UTC
2006/01/22 19:00 UTC
2006/01/08 16:00 UTC
2005/11/26 18:00 UTC
2005/11/13 21:00 UTC
2005/10/29 17:00 UTC
LN Saturday - Great competition - Hosted by kaayru. - Organized by Balthazarr
** More Stars for everyone who has already recieved a starter pack **
2005/10/16 19:00 UTC
CotS Sunday - Great competition - Hosted by Kaotika. - Organized by Balthazarr
** More Stars for everyone who has already recieved a starter pack **
2005/10/01 17:00 UTC
VoK Saturday - Great competition - 11 participants. - Organized by Balthazarr
** More Stars for everyone who has already recieved a starter pack **
2005/09/18 19:00 UTC
RSO Sunday - Great competition - 12 participants. - Organized by Balthazarr
** Door prizes for all Spectators, Judges and Contestants **
2005/09/03 17:30 UTC
UN Saturday - Great competition - 9 participants. - Organized by Balthazarr
Door prizes for all Spectators, Judges and Contestants Postponed Due to the Mutton Festival.
2005/08/21 21:00 UTC
ND Sunday - Great competition - 9 participants. Lessons and Aluminum Grinding followed.
- Organized by Balthazarr ** Door prizes for all Spectators, Judges and Contestants **
2005/08/06 18:00 UTC
PB Postponed due to Real World conflict. Saturday - The Kaboom Pyrotechnics Emporium Lesson (-921, 7689)
2005/08/06 17:00 UTC
PB Saturday - Great competition - 9 participants.
- Organized by Balthazarr ** Door prizes for all Spectators, Judges and Contestants **
2005/07/24 19:00 UTC
Sinai Sunday - Organized by Mortomes. No contestants, but Tweetiti set off a TON of Pharaoh supplied fireworks
2005/07/16 19:00 UTC
Sinai Saturday - no show as there was no advertisement for it
2005/07/03 19:00 UTC
Karnak Excellent competition - 14 participants, 50 judges! Special thanks to Tweetiti and LittleCleo for promoting the competition.
2005/06/26 19:00 UTC
Sinai Rescheduled.
2005/06/12 19:00 UTC
LN Great competition - 12 participants
2005/06/11 17:30 UTC
VoK Cancelled due to server reboot
2005/06/10 02:00 UTC
ND Cancelled due to server ISP problems
2005/05/29 19:00 UTC
ND Cancelled - Only 4 participants.
2005/05/14 19:00 UTC
CotS Cancelled - Only 3 participants.
2005/04/24 19:00 UTC
VoK Excellent competition!

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Last edited April 14, 2006 12:24 am by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)