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Hello! TheDude here. If you dont know, I provide free web hosting (via my work) for the wiki, and all of I love this game, and i love eGenesis, so its not a problem for me to do this, and no donations or money will ever be necessary to support this website. however.....

On april fools this year, eGenesis had an in-game advertising prank, and I decided to load the wiki up with google ads for fun. it was pretty funny, the paint page had ads for professional paint mixers. the metals pages had ads for jewlers on it. minor amusement. It did end up getting me about $30 in my google adsense account though. Problem is, that google wont let you take that money OUT of your account, until its over $100.

So here is my idea... I will put a single google banner ad at the BOTTOM of every wiki page. Once my google account gets over $100, I will cash it out and donate the money to the childs play charity at The foundation donates video games and consoles to childrens hospitals across the globe. After it gets to $100, I can remove the ads, or keep them there and continue making donations.

Even though I host the wiki, its not *my* wiki. its *your* wiki. As of now this is just temporary, if it turns out to make a few bucks maybe its worth leaving on.


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Last edited November 14, 2005 9:16 pm by TheDude (diff)