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The Swap Shop

The Swap Shop

Created by DrDave
Art Work by Ivy
Donations by Members of The Village

What 'The Swap Shop' is about

A place to bring your extra goods so Egypt residents can have access 24/7. Swap for items you may need or just donate. No tellers are involved. More stable pricing for conducting a fair swap.

Where it is Located

The Swap Shop is located (-2124, -453)seconds north of the Fools Paradise chariot stop – left hand side.


Simple rules for using the Swap Shop:

Table of Exchange Values for The Swap Shop

Values are ten (10) of each item

Item TEV* Item TEV* Item TEV*
Ash 15 Fruit 3 Large Quartz 3
Beeswax 5 Herbs** 15 Red Sand 15
Boards 1 Gold 25 Resin 0
Brass 60 Grapes 2 Rope 20
Bricks 1 Gypsum 3 Rotten flax 3
Bronze 40 Honey 1 Small Ruby 3
Cactus sap 4 Honey - Fruit 3 Saltpeter 10
Canvas 30 Iron 30 Small Sapphire 3
Carrots 1 Leather 15 Slate 4
Cabbage 1 Leeks 1 Straw 1
Charcoal 10 Lime 15 Sulphur 20
Clay 2 Linen 10 Small Topaz 3
Coconuts 1 Lint 2 Twine 5
Copper 25 Meat 0 White sand 3
Cuttable Stone 30 Medium Stone 2 Wood 1
Large Diamond 30 Mushrooms** 5
Medium Diamond 1 Oil 1
Dirt 20 Onions 1
Small Emerald 50 Paint 5
Flax 2 Potash 20
Flax Seeds 0 Small Quartz 30
Flint 5 Medium Quartz 40

Current Inventory As of December 23, 2005

Linen 300
Lime 966 Potash 20
Leeks 1000 Leather 838
Gypsum 4432 Garlic 9666
Flax 93 Flavored Honey (all kinds) 6673
Flavored Fruit (all kinds) 6510 Firebricks 364
Dirt 782 Coconuts 1923
Clinker 10311 Clay 268
Charcoal 10228 Carrots 8000
Canvas 19 Cactus Sap 47
Cabbage 13700 Bricks 15000
Boards 694 Ash
Lint 6354 Medium Stones 3112
Oil 13393 Onions 8000
Resin 10145 Rope 227
Saltpeter 1612 Silt 830
Slate 516 Straw 11527
Tow 4500 Twine 4792
Honey 8100 Wood 3025
Herbs – Many Beeswax 1769
Flint 696 Grapes 8795
Rotton Flax 4075 Flax seeds – DrDave’s 201 600
Moss 138

Grain 2849
Weed Killer 3750
Red 400
White 330
Animal Products
Camel Meat 5121
Camel Milk 4426
Mutton 5153
Rabbit Meat 200
Carrot 1
Golden Rod 1100
Orange 100
Saddle Brown 100
Sea Green 200
Cut-Cuttable Stone
Cut Stone 17
Cuttable Stone 229
Anitmony 18
Brass 100
Bronze 100
Copper 1000
Gold 200
Iron 700
Lithium 38
Pewter 28
Sliver 600
Steel 500
Zinc 37
Building Supplies
Bricks 8229
Copper Wire 22
Nails 36
Acorn’s Cap 240
Cobra Hood 1010
Dung Rot 10
Iron Knot 1110
Peasant Foot 572
Pool of Tranquility 29
Sand Spore 51
Slave’s Bread 10
Abdju 2767
Carp 2199
Catfish 2140
Chromis 2940
Perch 2573
Small 11
Medium 801
Large 302
Huge 60

Small Med Large Huge
Topaz 50
Sapphire 200
Diamond 100 4

swap_shop.jpgHumbleSeekerDecember 24, 2005 4:26 pm138059
swap_shop_chests.jpgHumbleSeekerDecember 20, 2005 7:10 pm235609
swap_shop_chests_l.jpgHumbleSeekerDecember 20, 2005 7:17 pm128276
swap_shop_chests_r.jpgHumbleSeekerDecember 20, 2005 7:20 pm116964

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Last edited December 23, 2005 5:50 pm by HumbleSeeker (diff)