[F3] Map
[F4] Compass
[F5] Tight Camera - 'General'
[F6] Medium Camera - 'Explorer'
[F7] Far Camera
[F8] Eye in the Sky - 'Dueling cam'
[F9] Go to the previous chat tab
[F10] Go to the next chat tab
[F11] Toggle friends list
[Esc] Character Menu
[Ctrl-V] Paste text
[Alt-A] Record a Movie (series of PNGs)
[Alt-C] Screen Capture (saved in the directory with elaunch as FrameXXXXX.png)
[Alt-D] Freeze Horizon (check it out)
[Alt-F] Freeze Screen
[Alt-J] No Texturing (?) - Messes up some textures
[Alt-L] Lock/Unlock Camera Position
[Alt-N] Mouse Hack
[Alt-S] Turn (some) Models Off
[Alt-Enter] Full Screen [Linux] **
[Scroll Lock] Refresh/Reload Game Information - try this if the client gets out of date/funky
** Historical Note: it was initially in the SDL version of the game, then when the code was re-written for fltk the full screen was dropped. It has now been returned to the code-base (although, this is just in experimental versions of the Linux client, as of this writing).
On the Mac, use Option instead of Alt. Yes, these do work!
/af <player name> Adds a friend to your buddy list
/rf <player name Removes a friend from your buddy list
/crowd Checks the percentage crowding in the area you are in
/password Full comand syntax - /password <old password> <new password> <new password again>
/tell <playername> Sends one line of text to the player of your choice
/chat <playername> Opens a chat window with the player of your choice
/reply <message> same as sending a /tell to the last person who sent you one
/info <playername> Opens up the 'Info' box for that player
/egyptmail <playername> Opens up the Egyptmail window, allowing you to send a message to a player. They will get a scroll icon when they receive it.
/squelch <playername> Allows you to ignore the conversation of other players
/unsquelch <playername> Allows you to unignore a previously 'squelched' player
/join <channel name> To join the in game radio stations, such as BBC.
/me <emote> Allows you to verbally emote (ie /me laughs would display the text 'Tchrin laughs')
! <emote> Same as /me
/ts Toggles whether the time stamp is shown
/time Displays the current ingame time
/afk Toggles afk (Away From Keyboard) mode on and off.
/fps Toggles Frames per Second view on and off
/copy Copies the current channel to the clipboard
/hop clear <name> clears a set hop point
/hop list lists your hop points
/hop <name> hops you to a hop point you've set
/hop to <name> hops you to a person