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Kanivan Tak

ENN Logs

Kaotika: Well, for anybody listening to ENN who's not at the exhibition of the new 'Kanivan Tak' game, I'll give you a little bit of information. The game is effectively like checkers, except not bound by a 'grid' system. Pieces can move in any direction within -60* - 60* from thier position provided it is unobstructed, and king pieces can move in any direction. Pieces 'hatch' into kings (starting as eggs, and hatching into some lovely bird models..) upon reaching the far side. The actual gameplay is identical to checkers, in that pieces much jump enemy pieces, and it is possible to doubl- and multi-jump. There is also an inbuilt Stalemate feature, which says that if there are 5 consecutive moves in which a non-king piece does not move, and that no pieces are taken/jumped, the game is declared over, and the winner is whoever has the most pieces at that point. All in all, a lovely, simple and fun game. Aethestically very attractive, and a lot of fun to play!

Pharaoh: Taks are 1 unit across. They always move sqrt(2) units, and jump 2*sqrt(2) units.

Ramma: Is there a time limit to a game ? Some players left the game in progress in PB, and noone else seems to be able to play.
Sadly no, GM call to get it reset.. there is also no conceed button so you have to stalemate to end it.. or lose on purpose

See also: Kanivan Tak Ranking, Kanivan Tak Court Locations

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Last edited October 30, 2005 12:12 pm by Al-Bilal (diff)