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Endurance Recipes

This page is purely for confirmed endurance recipes.

Note that cooking stats appear to change over time (apparently based on their usage globally), so some of these recipes may become weaker as they're used more. Please update the stats if you're sure you've cooked it correctly. (If a recipe has much changed stats (like going from 30 to 1) it you did a mistake while cooking). Unlisted stats are either negative or have no bearing on the main purpose of the recipe.

Please: if you list a recipe, list (in the benefit column) the level of cooking that gets those stats. If you try a recipe with a different level of cooking, please the benefits you observed. (Not everyone has cooking level 3, after all...). If no level is listed, assume it is cooking level 3.

NOTE: a recent bugfix to oil (it was gaining stats with usage rather than losing them) means that all recipes strongly depending on oil (especially the widely used cabbage+oil) will have lost most of their potency. Recipes with oil as a part of the recipe but with other +END herbs will probably remain useful.

I'm removing all the known useless ones - Cappu

Purpose Benefit &
Last verified date
Duration &
Troubles #105 3 End 41 min & 1 serv 1 of Each: Peppers, Cabbage, Flax Oil, Eggplant, Camel Meat, Onions, Indigo Damia
Fried Veg C3: 3 End
14 of each gave 3 End, 1 Foc (3/16/06)
4 servings
7 of each: Peppers, Cabbage, Oil, Eggplant
Fried Veg Without Cabbage C3: -1 Str, 4 End, -1 Con, -1 Per
12 mins,
3 servings
7 of each: Peppers, Oil, Eggplant
Starter Stew 3str 2dex 9end -2spd -4con 0foc -3pec
(Kraus- Jan 31, 2006)
6 servings, 26 min 5 of each:Anbju, Carrots 4 of Each:Common Sage, Lemondrop, Onions 3 of each: Cabbage, Garlic, Perch, Oil, 2 of each:Cinnamon, Earth Apple 1 of each:Black Pepper Plant, Shrubby Basil, Xanosi, Chaffa
Cheap fried cabbage replacement C3: 1str -19dex 17end -1spd -13 con -1 foc -3 pec
C3: 1str, -10dex, 12end, 1spd, -4con, -4foc, -2per (March 16/2006)
44mins, 2 servings 1 of each: Barley (Medium Roasted), Black Pepper Plant, Carrots, Catfish, Chicken Meat, Chromis, Cinnamon, Colt's Foot, Fleabane, Houseleek, Leeks, Scorpions Brood, Xanosi, Yava, Yigory
Long lasting End 10 end -18 str -3 dex 6 spd -2 con 1 foc -4 per 11 1 hr 14 min
12 servings
4 of each: Eye of Osiris, Garlic, Perch, Carrots, Cinnamon, Tilapia, Grilled Fish, Lemondrop, Onions, Indigo Damia
3 of each: Malt (Raw), Cabbage, Common Basil, Malt (Burnt), Chicken Meat, Xanosi, Catfish, Gunpowder, Oxyrynchus, Bluebottle Clover, Mutton
2 of each: Dates, Honey, Carp, Watermelon, Abdju, Flax Seed Oil, Meadowsweet
1 of each: Dark Radish, Ginseng Root, Shyama
C3: 16 end 8 str 7 dex-12 spd -14 con -4 foc -9 per (Apr 28 2005 works-Kimber){(9/20/05 )22end 7str and dex with substituted chicken meat for camel meat} 1hr 13min, 6 servings (44 min Sallah-Haverah 09/20) Two of each: Iron knot, dates, honey, spinach, garlic, colt's foot, scorpion's brood, leeks, pool of tranquility, watermelon, abdju, nefertari's crown, phagrus, daggerleaf, chromis, camels meat, chaffa, yellow tristeria
One of each: Ashoka, cinquefoil, crumpled leaf basil, earth apple, golden thyme, jaivanti, shrubby basil, yava, salt
(May 5, 2005) Tried above recpie with out the Nefretis Crown. Was 1hr+ and +18 End +5 Str +7Dex (Sept 24,2005)I left out Nefretis Crown and replaced chaffa with cinnamon and I got +25 end +6 Str +7 dex for 1 hour - Auditrix
Endurance/Carry 2?
untested - all the mods of the above.
Two of each: Iron knot, dates, honey, spinach, garlic, colt's foot, scorpion's brood, leeks, pool of tranquility, watermelon, abdju, phagrus, daggerleaf, chromis, chicken meat, cinnamon, yellow tristeria
One of each: Ashoka, cinquefoil, crumpled leaf basil, earth apple, golden thyme, jaivanti, shrubby basil, yava, salt
Knives' Mini End C3:12 end 0 str 5 dex
-8 spd -4 con 0 foc -5 per (11 Jan 06)
47 min, 2 servings 1 each of: Iron Knot, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Colt's Foot, Scorpion's Brood, Leeks, Flax Seed Oil, Xanosi, Catfish, Carrots, Cinnamon, Camel Meat, Camel's Mane, Chaffa, Yellow Tristeria, Golden Thyme

Drop the Spinach for a 33 min recipe with -4 dex. Drop the Camel's Mane for a 52 min recipe with -1 str.
Dragonseyes Carry/End. +20 End +4Str +5Dex
(no date)
53 minutes, 29 servings Base: 12 CamelMeat,12 Chromis, 12 Phagrus, 11 Abdju, 11 Carrot, 10 Catfish, 10 Mutton, 9 Garlic, 9 Perch 8 cabbage, 8 carp, 7 dates, 7 tilapia, 6 grilled fish, 5 leeks, 5 milk, 5 cabbage juice
Herbs: 4 Ashoka, 3 Black pepper, 4 Cinnamon, 4 Cinquefoil 4 Common sage, 3 Crumpled leaf basil, 3 Deadly catsclaw, 3 Earth apple, 3 Finlow, 3 Fleabane, 3 Ginseng root, 4 Golden thyme, 3 Lemondrop, 3 Shrubby basil, 3 Shyama, 3 Shyamalata, 3 Xanosi, 3 Yava
Cheap and cheerful

0str, -5dex, 11end, -1spd, -1con, -2foc, 0per
(15 Jan)
56 mins, 2 servings 1 each:
Eye of Osiris, Dates, Honey, Garlic, Colt's Foot, Scorpions Brood, Leeks, Fleabane, Oil, Xanosi, Catfish, Carrots, Dueling Serpents, Cinnamon, Camel Meat, Camels Mane, Rabbit Meat

Leave out the Rabbit Meat for higher duration, but lower END
"I subsituted Ra's Awakening for EoO and got END +14 for 1 hr" - Zinger, 01/14/2006
Long lasting End. +20 End -10Str 0Dex +3Speed -9Con -11Foc -8Per
(no date)
1hr 43minutes, 34 servings , Updated 16/09/05 32 end 47 mins Base: 8 Malt(raw), 8Cabbage, 8 Carp, 8 Common Sage, 8 Salt, 8 Catfish, 8 Gunpowder, 8 Oxy, 8 Bluebottle Clover, 7 Garlic, 7 Perch, 7 Carrots, 7 Cinnimon, 7 Camel Meat 7 Onions, 7 Indigo Damia,6 Barley(light), 6Tilapia, 6 Camel Mane, 5 Dates, 5 Honey, 5 Malt(Burnt), 5 Grilled Fish, 5 Rabbit Meat, 4 Watermelon, 4 Abdju, 4 Phagrus, 4 Chromis, 4 Meadowsweet, 3 Leeks, 3 Barley(Med)
Herbs:2 of each Ashoka, Black pepper, Chaffa, Cinquefoil, Creeping thyme, Crimson Nightshade, Crumpled leaf basil, Dhameshood, Dark Radish, Earth Apple, Finlow, Fleabane, Ginseng Root, Golden Thyme, Jaivanti, Panoe, Purple Tintiri, Shrubby Basil, Shyama, Xanosi, Yava, Yellow Tristiria
Lasulu's Mining Mishmash. +29 End -2str +2dex +1spd -6con -6foc -13per
22 Oct 05
26 minutes, 7 servings,
(level 3)
4 each: peppers, cabbage, oil, eggplant, camel meat
3 each: Eye of Osiris, garlic, abdju, common sage, lemondrop
2 each: onions
1 each: ashoka, black pepper plant, chaffa, cinnamon, cinquefoil, crimson nightshade, dark radish, ginseng root, jaivanti, panoe, patchouli, xanosi, yava, yellow tristeria
Endurance of the Fox +25 end(3/5/06) -17 str -3 dex -2 spd -5 con -2 foc -4 per 1hr 7 servings 2 of each: barley (med), catfish, chickenmeat, dates, garlic, gunpowder, honey, leeks, camels mane, colts foot, pool of tranquility, scorpions brood, dark raddish, ginseng root, shyama, xanosi, yellow tristeria, yigory, oxy, watermelon
1 of each cabbage, carp, carrots, grilled fish, cobra hood, duelling serpents, eye od osiris, cinnamon, lemondrop, onions, perch, tilapia
Monthar's Endurance +24 End, +4 Str, +5 Dex, -3 Spd, -8 Con, -12 Foc, -12 Per
(no date)
26-27 minutes, 17 servings Base: 8 Dates, 8 Tilapia, 8 Onions, 7 Leeks, 7 Grilled Fish, 6 Catfish, 6 Mutton, 5 Garlic, 5 Perch, 4 Cabbage, 4 Flax Seed Oil
Herbs: 3 Ashoka, 3 Black Pepper Plant, 3 Chaffa, 3 Cinnamon, 3 Common Sage, 3 Deadwood Tree, 3 Fleabane, 3 Golden Thyme, 3 Lemondrop, 3 Meadowsweet, 3 Pale Russet, 3 Pulmonaria Opal, 3 Xanosi, 3 Yellow Tristeria
Mushrooms: 3 Dueling Serpents, 3 Dung Rrot, 3 Eye of Osiris, 3 Ra's Awakening
Beren's Endurance 3str, -9dex, 23end, -2spd, -15con, -2foc, -7per
6str, -15dex, 28end, 0spd, -15con, -6foc, -10 per
(2 July 05)with fleabane and salt
6str, -17dex, 30 end, 0 spd, -16con, -7 foc -11 per
with fleabane and salt options (13 July 05)
1hr25, 11 servings 3 each: Shrubby Basil, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Flax Oil, Sand Spore, Daggerleaf, Chromis, Cinnamon, Tilapia, Grilled Fish, Lemondrop, Onions, Indigo Damia
2 each: Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Pale Dhamasa, Pale Russet, Colt's Foot, Scorpian's Brood, Phagrus, Bleeding Hand, Catfish, Carrots, Houseleek, Camel Meat, Yellow Tristeria, Chaffa

Add 3 Fleabane for 1hr30 with higher endurance Dragonseye, I added 1 salt as well as the 3 fleabane for a freshness of 6 days
Seisme's endu meal -16 str, 10 dex, 23 end, 4 spd, 0 con, -29 foc, -15 per
50 min, 2 servings 1x Common Basil, Sagar Ghota, Cinquefoil, Xanosi, Catfish, Heaven's torent, Crumpled Leaf Basil, Dueling Serpent, Cinnamon, Camel Meat, Yellow Tristeria, Ra's Awakeneing, Razor's Edge, Dark Ochoa
Seisme's Plat du Jour -11 str, -7 dex, 33 end, -7 spd, -7 con, -12 foc, -10 per
END27 (11-26-05)
53 min, 2 servings 1x Camel Meat, Chromis, Leeks, Colt's Foot, Dueling Serpents, Eye of Osiris, Ra's Awakening, Razor's Edge, Scorpions Brood, Ashoka, Black Pepper Plant, Fleabane, Indigo Damia, Yava, Yellow Tristeria
Zaqari's Endurance C3: +26 End
+6 Dex +1 Spd -13 Con -25 Foc +6 Per
(no date)
Updated: May 30 Dex +3, End +16, Con -5, Foc -14, Per +6 - Hesed
35 min, 1 serving One of each - for multiple servings, add equal amounts of each ingredient (including herbs):
Base: Cabbage, Carp, Watermelon, Abdju, Phagrus, Chromis, Camel Meat
Herbs: Chaffa, Daggerleaf, Dewplant and Yellow Tristeria
High Endurance, Low Pain
C3: +5str, 2dex, +39end, -18spd, -16con, -20foc, -9per (20 Dec 05) 46 min, 4 servings Single layer - 1 each : Eye of Osiris, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Colt's Foot, Scorpions Brood, Leeks, Panoe, Nature's Jug, Abdju, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Cinquefoil, Finlow, Flax Seed Oil, Sand Spore, Xanosi, Catfish, Carrots, Dueling Serpents, Cinnamon, Tilapia, Grilled Fish, Lemondrop, Onions, Golden Thyme

28 ingredients

Add 1 Crumpled Leaf Basil and 1 Orris for 43 mins of -11str/-19dex/+64end - 12/17/05 (54end on 04/06/06)
Added only 1 Crumpled Leaf Basil for 35 mins of +9str/+2dex/+38end - 03/01/06
Lasts longer than anybody can stand
(LittleCleo / Cooking Research Coordination)
added 1 salt for -18 str and +35 end lasted 1hr 41 min as of 06/17/05.
1 salt for -20 str, +37end as of 25/06/05.
-16str, 1dex, +32end, -6spe, -24con, 5foc, -42per
(07/01/06) 28 servings with salt. and 36 end
102 mins, 27 servings 6 each: Fivesleaf, Black Pepper Plant, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Perch, Carrots, Dueling Serpents, Cinnamon, Tilapia, Camels Mane
5 each: Dates, Common Basil, Malt (Burnt), Chicken Meat, Daggerleaf, Chromis, Camel Meat, Wild Lettuce, Lemondrop, Onions
4 each: Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Panoe, Nature's Jug, Abdju, Flax Seed Oil, Sand Spore
3 each: Carp, Xanosi, Catfish, Gunpowder, Oxyrynchus, Caraway, Rabbit Meat
2 each (only these can be safely dropped or replaced): Ra's Awakening, Ashoka, Chaffa, Cinquefoil, Creeping Thyme, Crumpled Leaf Basil, Dameshood, Dark Radish, Fleabane, Ginseng Root, Golden Thyme, Patchouli, Purple Tintiri, Yava, Yellow Tristeria
add one salt
Cappu's Singlegal Digging munbo -4str, -6dex, +27end, -10spd, -11con, -14foc, -13perc (10 Feb '07) 3 servs, 27 min 1 of each: Fivesleaf (can be subt. with EoO), Black Pepper Plant, Beetle Leaf, Shrubby Basil, Dates, spinach, garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Panoe, Nature's Jug, Adju, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Flax seed oil, Sand Spore, Common Sage, Lemondrop, Onions, Indigo Damia
Good Endurance with no negative carry
8str, 14dex, 34end, -2spd, -8con, -24foc, -29per
26 Aug 2005
58 minutes
5 servings
2 each:
Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Shrubby Basil, DAtes, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Fleabane, Oil, Sand Spore, Daggerleaf, Camel Meat, Yellow Tristeria
1 each:
Acorn's Cap, Ginseng Root, Salt, Garcinia, Ashoka, Golden Thyme
Endurance Overkill
(LittleCleo / Cooking Research Coordination)
3str, -25dex, 47end, -16spe, -1con, -5foc, -4per
33 mins, 2 servings 1 each: Cabbage, Chromis, Flax Seed Oil, Leeks, Eye of Osiris, Ra's Awakening, Sand Spore, Daggerleaf, Dewplant, Jaivanti, Lemondrop, Moon Aloe, Sky Gladalia, Oxyrynchus

replace Dewplant with Crimson Nightshade for +50end with a duration of 23 mins.
Foxy's mining end str -50 dex -25 end 52 spd 9 con -20 foc -65 per -26
(23 aug 2005)
53 mi
13 servings
3 of each: Eye of Osiris,Black Pepper Plant,Beetle Leaf,Dates,Honey,Panoe,Nature's Jug,Abdju,Finlow,Yigory,Barley (Medium Roasted),Chicken Meat,Xanosi,Catfish,Heaven's Torrent,Crumpled Leaf Basil,Daggerleaf,Ashoka,Dueling Serpents,Dameshood,Camel Meat,Wild Lettuce,Lemondrop,Yellow Tristeria
2 of each: Shrubby Basil,Garlic,Colt's Foot,Fleabane,Flax Seed Oil,Blue Damia,Bhillawa,Salt,Carrots,Houseleek,Meadowsweet,Dark Ochoa,
High End

11str, 3dex, 39end, -9spd
56mins, 2 servings One of each:
Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Shrubby Basil, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Fleabane, Oil, Sand Spore, Daggerleaf, Ashoka, Yava, Earth Apple, Camel Meat, Yellow Tristeria, Chaffa
OldJoe's Serious End -17str, -31dex, +59end, -18spd, +32con, -52foc, -17per (11 Sept 05) 4 servings, 64 mins 1 each: Eye of Osiris, Dates, Honey, Garlic, Colt's Foot, Scorpions Brood, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Panoe, Nature's Jug, Abdju, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Cinquefoil, Perch, Finlow, Flax Seed Oil, Sand Spore, Xanosi, Catfish, Heaven's Torrent, Orris, Sweetflower, Soapwort, Carrots, Dueling Serpents, Cinnamon, Tilapia, Grilled Fish, Lemondrop, Onions, Golden Thyme
Binky's END Lite Snackette C3:-19str, -17dex, +51end, -14spd, -1con, -42foc,+6per (02 Jul 05) 4 servings, 73 mins 1 each: Dewplant, Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Malt(Raw), Cabbage, Shrubby Basil, Honey, Jaivanti, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Watermelon, Panoe, Natures's Jug, Abdju, Flax Seed Oil, Sand Spore, Barley (Burnt), Daggerleaf, Chromis, Cinnamon, Gunpowder, Oxyrnchus, Sky Gladialia, Lemondrop, Yellow Tristeria, Ra's Awakening, Bluebottle Clover, Razor's Edge, Dark Ochoa.
Higher End

39str, -21 dex, 60 end (4 Nov 05)<br/> 43str, -25dex, 68end, -45spd, -19con, -4foc, -28per (26-JUL-05) 1hr, 4 servings 1 of Each:
Sugar Cane, Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Shrubby Basil, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Watermelon, Shyama, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Flax Oil, Dank Mullien, Yigory, Barley (Medium Roasted), Burnt Tarragon, Daggerleaf, Ashoka, Yava, Earth Apple, Camel Meat, Yellow Tristeria, Chaffa, Golden Thyme
Heart Attack Special

+72 End
1h 36 min, 47 servings 10 each: Black Pepper Plant,Honey,Malt (Burnt),Chicken Meat,Xanosi,Catfish,Gunpowder,Oxyrynchus
9 each: Cabbage,Carp,Cobra Hood,Barley (Medium Roasted),Camels Mane
8 each: Dates,Mutton
7 each: Garlic,Colt's Foot,Scorpions Brood,Phagrus,Chromis,Earth Light
6 each: Oil,Sand Spore,Common Sage,Lemondrop,Onions
5 each: Cinnamon,Camel Meat
4 each: Abdju,Perch,Carrots,Tilapia,Grilled Fish,Rabbit Meat
3 each: (omitting some of these herbs will lower stats and servings, but will raise duration) Ashoka, Bhillawa, Chaffa, Cinquefoil, Creeping Thyme, Crimson Nightshade, Crumpled Leaf Basil, Dameshood, Dark Radish, Dewplant, Earth Apple, Finlow, Fleabane, Ginseng Root, Golden Thyme, Jaivanti, Moon Aloe, Naranga, Orris, Panoe, Patchouli, Purple Tintiri, Revivia, Shrubby Basil, Sky Gladalia, Shyama, Yava, Yellow Tristeria. --- add 3 Ginger Tarragon for even higher Endurance
89 End ozith 89 End, remaining stats unknown
(2 August)
80 end, 13str, 4dex, -11 sp, 10cst, -58 per (29 Nov.)
49 mins, 3 servings 1 each:
Eye of Osiris, Sand Spore, Ashoka, Black Pepper Plant, Chaffa, Daggerleaf, Earth Apple, Fleabane, Ginger Tarragon, Jaivanti, Purple Tintiri, Shrubby Basil, Spinach, Yava, Yellow Tristeria, Camel Meat, Dates, Garlic, Honey, Leeks, Oil

Leave out Black Pepper Plant and Ginger Tarragon for a higher duration, but lower stats and only 2 servings

Leave out the Jaivanti for 80 End and 2 servings for 29 mins
Don't pick anything up for the next 3 hours or so! -101str, -42dex, 114end, -54spd, -43con, -98foc, -63per
(5 August)
3:41 hours, 25 servings 3 each:
Fivesleaf, Purple Tintiri, Myrrh, Shrubby Basil, Honey, Spinach,Garlic, Colt's Foot, Scorpions Brood, Panoe, Nature's Jug, Abdju, Fire Lily, Tamarask, Finlow, Dung Rot, Chicken Meat, Xanosi, Catfish, Heaven's Torrent, Crumpled Leaf Basil, Garcinia, Ashoka, Dueling Serpents, Yava, Fumitory, Earth Apple, Oxyrynchus, Sky Gladalia, Lavender Navarre, Grilled Fish, Rabbit Meat, Dark Ochoa
2 each:
Eye of Osiris, Cabbage, Pale Dhamasa, Brown Muskerro, Moon Aloe, Jaivanti, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Watermelon, Malt (Light Roasted), Cinquefoil, Perch, Shrub Sage, Dark Radish, Yigory, Barley (Medium Roasted), Blue Damia, Common Sage, Weeping Patala, Creeping Thyme, Chromis, Camel Meat, Wild Lettuce, Lemondrop, Onions, Indigo Damia
1 each:
Lungclot, Black Pepper Plant, Beetle Leaf, Dates, Pale Russet, Carp, Shyama, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Oil, Dank Mullien, Bhillawa, Sweetflower, Soapwort, Carrots, Cinnamon, Dameshood, Caraway, Earth Light, Yellow Tristeria, Chaffa, Ra's Awakening, Bluebottle Clover, Mutton, Golden Thyme
LittleCleo / Cooking Research Coordination
Scatterbrain Endurance

149end, -55str, -65dex, 35con, -122foc
2:05 hours, 7 servings One of each:
Sugar Cane, Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Myrhh, Shrubby Basil, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Patchouli, Panoe, Revivia, Acorn's Cap, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Oil, Dark Radish, Yigory, Barley (Medium Roasted), Burnt Taragon, Bhillawa, Salt, Catfish, Heaven's Torrent, Crumpled Leaf Basil, Orris, Sweetflower, Soapwort, Garcinia, Ashoka, Dueling Serpents, Yava, Earth Apple, Dameshood, Caraway, Earth Light, Rabbit, Yellow Tristeria, Chaffa, Maragosa, Bluebottle Clover, Razor's Edge, Tangerine Dream, Onions, Golden Thyme, Indigo Damia

-124str, -102dex, 158end, 22spd, 16con, -123foc, -122per
(22 Aug)
left out Orris, Sweetflower,Soapwort for 135 end for 2:35/8 serv (16 sept, Cappu) (-87 Str, -77 Dex, 131end 19Spd, -2con, -76focus, -88perc AO 11/02/06 ---Zatarg---)
2:39 hours, 8 servings One of each:
Sugar Cane, Eye of Osiris, Purple Tintiri, Myrhh, Shrubby Basil, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Jaivanti, Leeks, Pool of Tranquility, Patchouli, Panoe, Revivia, Acorn's Cap, Ginseng Root, Fleabane, Oil, Dark Radish, Yigory, Barley (Medium Roasted), Burnt Taragon, Bhillawa, Salt, Catfish, Heaven's Torrent, Crumpled Leaf Basil, Orris, Sweetflower, Soapwort, Garcinia, Ashoka, Dueling Serpents, Yava, Wild Yam, Bloodwort, Trilobe, Fumitory, Dalchini, Chromis, Cinnamon, Earth Apple, Dameshood, Caraway, Earth Light, Sky Gladialia, Lavender Navarre, Wild Lettuce, Lemondrop, Yellow Tristeria, Chaffa, Maragosa, Bluebottle Clover, Razor's Edge, Tangerine Dream, Onions, Golden Thyme, Indigo Damia
By FoxKids
-24 str, -26 dex, 51 end, 10 spd, -15 con, -24 foc, -11 per
(Aug 18) (Oct 28: -11/-18/48/5/-14/-17/-15 ~ 1hr+)
1 hour 45 mins
26 Servings
5 of each: Eye of Osiris,Purple Tintiri,Shrubby Basil,Honey,Garlic,Colt's Foot,Scorpions Brood,Leeks,Fleabane,Yigory,Barley (Medium Roasted),Chicken Meat,Crumpled Leaf Basil,Houseleek,Gunpowder,Oxyrynchus,Camels Mane,Bluebottle Clover,Mutton
4 of each: Abdju,Perch,Carrots,Dueling Serpents,Yava,Chromis,Camel Meat,Wild Lettuce,Lemondrop,Onions,Indigo Damia
3 of each: Malt (Raw),Cabbage,Flax Seed Oil,Dank Mullien,Chives,Ashoka,Dameshood,Tilapia,Grilled Fish,Yellow Tristeria,Chaffa
2 of each: Black Pepper Plant,Patchouli,Finlow,Xanosi,Catfish,Dark Ochoa
Seisme's quatre heure Str -20, Dex +5, End +12, Con +2, Foc -17, Per +1 (24 November 2005) 57 min, 2 servings, got a masterpiece - Cortex 1 of each : cabbage, carrots, garlic, gunpowder, Dueling Serpents, Earth Light, Ra's Awakening, Razor's Edge, Cinnamon, Lemondrop, Meadowsweet, Oxyrynchus, Peppers, Perch
Weptomah's Mining End C3 -10 ST, 0 Dex, +34 End, 0 Sp, -11 Con, -18 Foc, -1 Per 30mins/3 servings 1 each : Iron Knot, Shrubby Basil, Dates, Honey, Spinach, Garlic, Colt's Foot, Scorpions Brood, Leeks, Shyama, Ginseng Root, Cinquefoil, Xanosi, Bhillawa, Salt, Catfish, Carrots, Dueling Serpents, Cinnamon, Camel Meat, Golden Thyme
Cappu's Crusty Curry -35str,-40dex,32end,-7spd,-4con,-22foc,-7per
~1h35m, 10servings 2 Eye of Osiris,2 Black Pepper Plant,2 Beetle Leaf,2 Dates,2 Pale Russet,2 Carp,2 Pool of Tranquility,2 Watermelon,2 Shyama,2 Tiny Clover,2 Fleabane,2 Oil,2 Cucumbers,2 Barley (Medium Roasted),2 Chicken Meat,2 Xanosi,2 Catfish,2 Heaven's Torrent,2 Crumpled Leaf Basil,2 Dueling Serpents,2 Cinnamon,2 Gunpowder,2 Oxyrynchus,2 Earth Light,2 Rabbit Meat,2 Yellow Tristeria,2 Bluebottle Clover,2 Mutton,2 Indigo Damia,1 Malt (Raw),1 Pale Dhamasa,1 Garlic,1 Perch,1 Finlow,1 Dung Rot,1 Honey Mint,1 Sand Spore,1 Hairy Tooth,1 Eggplant,1 Katako Root,1 Thyme,1 Meadowsweet,1 Lemondrop,1 Ra's Awakening,1 Golden Thyme
Nopar's 40/50 C3 +3Str, -6Dex, +40Endo, -14Spd, -4Con, -11Fox, -6Per,
50 m. duration & 7 servings 2 each: Peppers,Cabbage,Shrubby Basil,Honey,Panoe,Nature's Jug,Malt (Light Roasted),Cinquefoil,Perch,Carrots,Gunpowder,Oxyrynchus,Sky Gladalia,Lemondrop,Onions,Golden Thyme
1 each: Purple Tintiri,Black Pepper Plant,Colt's Foot,Abdju,Ginseng Root,Fleabane,Oil,Xanosi,Common Sage,Bhillawa,Crumpled Leaf Basil,Creeping Thyme,Chromis,Camel Meat,Camels Mane,Chaffa,Mutton
Yet another End Meal C3 0Str, 0Dex, +15 End, -1Spd, -3Foc, -6Perc 52mins/22 servings 10 each: Black Pepper Plant, Watermelon, Rabbit Meat
9 each: Peppers, Cabbage, Carp, Catfish, Carrots
8 each: Common Sage, Lemondrop, Onions
7 each: Xanosi
6 each: Perch, Mutton
5 each: Fleabane, Oil, Eggplant, Oxyrynchus
4 each: Camel Meat
3 each: Crumpled Leaf Basil, Dueling Serpents, Yava, Cinnamon, Earth Apple
Deadly Digging Dope
Brought to you by Cappu/Cooking Research Coordination
4str, 2dex, 97end, -31speed, 10con, -52foc, -55per
Add one deben of golden dubloons for 109 end and pos. str+dex 2006-02-27
~2h11m 14 servings 2 Sugar Cane,2 Eye of Osiris,2 Purple Tintiri,2 Shrubby Basil,2 Dates,2 Honey,2 Jaivanti,2 Bay Tree,2 Patchouli,2 Panoe,2 Nature's Jug,2 Malt (Light Roasted),2 Cinquefoil,2 Heart of Ash,2 Finlow,2 Dung Rot,2 Phagrus,2 Pulmonaria Opal,2 Bhillawa,2 Salt,2 Catfish,2 Heaven's Torrent,2 Crumpled Leaf Basil,2 Garcinia,2 Ashoka,2 Dueling Serpents,2 Yava,2 Chromis,2 Dameshood,2 Gunpowder,2 Oxyrynchus,2 Sky Gladalia,2 Lemondrop,2 Onions,2 Indigo Damia,1 Malt (Raw),1 Cabbage,1 Pale Dhamasa,1 Pale Russet,1 Carp,1 Watermelon,1 Shyama,1 Tiny Clover,1 Sagar Ghota,1 Fleabane,1 Oil,1 Miniature Lamae,1 Camel Milk,1 Silvertongue Damia,1 Dark Radish,1 Yigory,1 Barley (Medium Roasted),1 Chicken Meat,1 Xanosi,1 Weeping Patala,1 Creeping Thyme,1 Eggplant,1 Soapwort,1 Carrots,1 Cinnamon,1 Camel Meat,1 Yellow Tristeria,1 Chaffa
Troubles End #99 60 End -40 Str -21 Dex -32 Spd -60 Con 16 Foc -36 Per
(28 March 2006)
1hr 8min
3 serv
1 of each: Fivesleaf, Purple Tintiri, Bull's Blood, Malt (Raw), Pale Dhamasa, Brown Muskerro, Moon Aloe, Jaivanti, Leeks, Bay Tree, Patchouli, Shrub Sage, Dark Radish, Yigory, Barley (Medium Roasted), Chicken Meat, Dameshood, Gunpowder, Oxyrynchus, Sky Gladalia, Lavender Navarre, Wild Lettuce, Lemondrop, Onions, Naranga
Long, Cheap & Cheerful +10 Endo ala Nopar King +10 End +1 Str -3 Con -1 Foc -5 Perc
(01-16-06)+9 End
2006/02/04 19:15 UTC

(02-28-06) fallen to +9 End
54 min duration & 6 servings 3 Each: Peppers, Cabbage, Carp, Watermelon, Fleabane, Oil, Eggplant, Oxyrunchous, Mutton
2 Each: Dates, Perch, Carrots, Dueling Serpents, Cinnamon, Lemondrop, Onions
1 Each: Dung Rot, Common Sage, Rabbit Meat , Sagar Ghota (drop Sagar Ghota for -1 Dex 53 min)

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Name stats
(verified date)
duration & servings ingredients

NOTE: See Simple Recipies

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Last edited May 5, 2006 3:19 am by NoparKing (diff)