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Disciplines > Conflict > Tournament Ranking System

The Tournament Ranking System measures progress in competitive tests, such as those in the discipline of Conflict.


Players in a tournament are grouped into "ranks". Only games played between two people of the same rank are scored; if a rank 3 player plays a rank 2, for example, neither will gain or lose standing in the tournament. Everyone begins at rank 1. For purposes of advancement, your historical best rank is used. This is the highest rank you've ever had in that test.

Ranking is first determined by rank, and then by number of matches won and lost at that rank. A rank two player who has won one match since reaching that rank will have a score of 2.1 (higher than a rank two player with no victories at rank two, but less than any rank three player). If a rank 3 player has lost more matches at his rank than he has won, then his rank is still 3.0.

There are several parameters which may differ for each tournament:

When two players of the same rank play each other, they begin a match. Progress in the match will be recorded on the tournament progress window. The match concludes when one player has match_advantage more wins than the other player. For example, in tug, match_advantage is set to 2, so one player will need to win two more games than the other.

After a match is completed, the total number of wins and losses for the two players will be updated. In addition, the winner will have the loser's name added to his list of defeated opponents. Rematches do not affect score.

If a player accumulates max_losses losses, he is eliminated from the tournament, and can no longer gain or lose score from games played, nor can other players score points by defeating him. At this point, the player has three choices:

  1. Do nothing, and remain at his current ranking.
  2. Reset, and begin the tournament again at rank 1. There is a limit to how often (reset_frequency) a player may reset his rank.
  3. Forfeit one win in exchange for canceling one loss, and continue playing at the current rank. You can only do this, if you have won a match.

After a player has won advance_advantage more matches than he has lost, he advances to the next rank in the tournament. At this time, his number of wins, losses, and list of players defeated are all cleared. Since the list of players defeated is cleared, two players who competed at one rank can compete again at a higher rank.

A player may participate in multiple matches at once. However, the total number of matches active may not exceed the number of losses he has remaining. For example, if a player can lose two more matches before being knocked out of the tournament, he may participate in at most two matches at a time.


Test passing is based on points related to a 'skill level' for each tournament.

There are seven levels of skill points. A level-1 point will advance a player from level 0 to level 1, a level-2 point will advance a player from 1 to 2, and so on. Points are a limited resource. New points become available on a periodic basis--the exact speed of accumulation differs for each tournament. Higher level points always accumulate more slowly than lower level ones.

The available points are distributed to players on a daily basis. Points are distributed in order, starting with level-7 points and ending with level-1 points. (As a result, a player can advance at most one level per day.)

Points are distributed as follows:

The results of the latest round of scoring may be viewed at any School of Conflict.


Consider the following players:

The following points are available:

Points will be assigned as follows:

Passing the Tests

To pass a test in Conflict, reach level 7 in it.

The advancement system for conflict is different than that of the other six Disciplines. Instead of having to pass tests to receive a higher title, all the levels you have achieved count towards an overall score for conflict. You can check your progress using the option under the tests menu.

Your status/title in Conflict is given by (sum of squares of levels) / 49 (rounded down). Ie to get to Student of conflict, you could reach level 7 in one test (7^2)=49, or you could get to level 3 in 5 tests, and level 2 in another..(3^2 * 5 + 2^2) = 49.

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Last edited January 17, 2006 3:34 pm by Al-Bilal (diff)