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Foraging > Identification > Ovate

Simple, Ovate leaves

Name/Pic/DescriptionMethod of HarvestUses

Altar's Blessing
Scrape off Stem Pith.
Cut away outer stem, crush the stems
Blood Blossom

Scrape off the stem pith
Blushing Blossom

Remove the tap root
Brassy Caltrops
Peel back the stem base
Cicada Bean
Squeeze out the Sap "Will cause clumbsiness" "Increases the scope of consciousness"
squeeze out the sap Qakara-Iby: "It will do your reflexes no good, but it will aid your ability to work for long periods."
Crumpled Leaf Basil
Remove the tap root
Dank Mullien

Pluck the leaves
Ginseng Root
Pluck the leaves
Honey Mint
Cut away the outer stem
Pick out the seeds
Scrape away the leaf hairs
Ice Mint
Scrape off the Stem Pith. Looks like Mountain Mint, but the leaves are much bluer
Crush Stems
Mountain Mint

Crush StemsMountain Mint - Qakara-Iby: "It will cause you to tire quickly. It may also cause clumsiness." (negative str or end?) and "It is suitable for quickening the reflexes." (increased speed?)
Paradise Lilly
Scrape the leaves "Was used by fishermen". (speed)
Pulmonaria Opal
Peel back the stem base
Snip the leaf stem
Remove the Root Tap

scrape hairs off leaf.
Wild Yam
Trim the root fibres
remove tap root

Herbs we cannot yet identify and harvest

Name/Pic/DescriptionFailed MethodsNotes
Failed: Pluck the leaves
Failed: scrape away the leaf hairs
Looks like "ice blossom", but bright red. Failed: Scrape away leaf hairs
Failed: Crush the stems(thanks, tried it and failed *thumbs up*) failed: pick the seeds, scrape the hair off the leaf, trim the root fibres, Cut away the outer stem

similar to Ginseng Root, but note that leaves continue in line with leaf stem, not forming an angle where leaf attaches, and stems are green, not brown
Failed: Pluck the leaves
Failed: Scrape away the hairs
Failed Cut away outer stem

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Last edited October 17, 2004 10:32 pm by Taral (diff)