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Fruit And Vegetables > Vegetable Yields

Please plant Vegetables on or near coordinates divisible by 100 and place the results here. If possible, report the base amount. Avoid reporting results affected by growth bands or increases based on successful growing.

Could we please put Watermelons on their own page? They are a bit complicated, and this is already getting messy. --Erika

                                                                                                                                                                                Map of Egypt









Location Time Cabbage Carrots Garlic Leek Onions Notes
3400,4000 9:50 PM 1 1 1 3 14
3400,3900 10:30 PM 1 1 1 3 14
2700,5000 9:30 PM 5 1 na na na No nearby sand.
2500,5200 6:25 PM 4 2 na na na No nearby sand.
2600,5100 9:20 PM 5 1 na na na No nearby sand.
2500,5100 7:00 PM 4 1 na na na No nearby sand.
2200,5700 9:35 pm 4 6 1 4 6 None
2202,5500 10:13 pm - - 1 3 6 None
2200,5200 10:40 pm 3 1 1 3 6 None
2297,5003 11:11 pm 3 1 4 3 11 I confirm the 11 onions - small sand patches near sea
3215,5000 08:01 am 3 1 1 3 8 Top of a small hill, 30-40 coords from water
-1062,2173 3:15 pm 1 17 1 1 6 None
1097,-3480 11:15 pm 1 13 - - - Top of a hill
649,-7492 11:00 am - 12 1 10 4 None
1500,2300 11:00 am - - - - 9 Near nile - small sand patches - consistent over time so far, by Blogot(male)
0,0 11:00 pm - - - - 17 by Ephemere, female
-194,3700 10:30 am 14 - 3 14 5 Very far away from anyone
880,-3875 6:24 pm 1 3 1 3 5 Akhet, Lower Nubia by Erika Increased garlic and carrot yield at this location around 7pm
1011,-3408 12:35 pm 1 1 1 3 4 Akhet, Lower Nubia by Erika
799,-3419 6:37 pm 1 1 1 3 4 Akhet, Lower Nubia by Erika
297,-3356 9:25 pm 1 2 1 3 4 Akhet, Lower Nubia by Erika
749,-7823 10:52 pm 12 5 1 12 4 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika
773,-7826 11:31 pm 11 11 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika
4949,-2014 12:35 am 3 1 1 3 5 Akhet, Cradle of the Sun by Erika
823,-7424 2:37 am 10 1 1 10 4 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika
845,-7019 3:11 am 8 1 1 8 4 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika
603,-6605 4:03 am 6 6->5 1 6 4 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika Carrot yield was declining in this location at this time
519,-6246 4:34 am 6 14->15 1 6 1 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika Carrot yield was increasing in this location at this time. At 5:48 yield was 10->9
900,-5567 8:43 am 1 1 2 3 7 Akhet, Upper Nubia by Erika
649,-4393 10:34 am 1 1 5 3 4 Akhet, Lower Nubia by Erika A report from Bovine suggests that the maximum carrot yield in this location is 11. I did not confirm this.
2331,2331 1:19 pm 1 5 5 Akhet, Red Sea Oasis by Erika
2437,2292 1:51 pm 1 6 6 Akhet, Red Sea Oasis by Erika
2417,1942 2:26 pm 1 5 4 Akhet, Red Sea Oasis by Erika
2358,2588 3:21 pm 1 3 6 Akhet, Red Sea Oasis by Erika
2364,2907 3:53 pm 1 5 8 Akhet, Red Sea Oasis by Erika
-2036,-465 3:32 pm 4 Akhet, Fool's Paradise by Erika
-2028,-481 1:13 am 4 Akhet, Fool's Paradise by Erika
-1446,-461 2:31 am 6 Akhet, Fool's Paradise by Erika
-792,-596 3:34 am 5 Akhet, Fool's Paradise by Erika
-93,-109 4:45 am 10 Akhet, Fool's Paradise by Erika
-10,13 8:30 am 1 5->4 6 3 17 Akhet, Fool's Paradise by Erika Thanks to Ephemere for posting this location on the Wiki. Some discontinuities in onion yield around 0,0. Peak time for garlic here is around midnight. Carrot yield falling at 8:30am
-6,-500 9:57am 12 8 1 12 7 Akhet, Fool's Paradise, by Erika.
198,-1191 10:55 am 7 1 1 7 4 Akhet, Karnak, by Erika
-5,-1861 11:36 am 23 6 1 23 4 Akhet, Fool's Paradise, by Erika
-26,-2365 12:36 pm 14 4 1 14 7 Akhet, Fool's Paradise, by Erika
-1098, 22 01:59 pm - - - - 16 Fool's Paradise, by KingLouie
7,-2365 12:50 pm 1 4 1 3 4 Akhet, Fool's Paradise, by Erika. Note the HUGE difference in leek and cabbage yield when crossing from negative to positive coordinates.
-8,-3002 2:43 pm 20 10 1 20 5 Akhet, Lower Nubia, by Erika
-11,-3294 3:23 pm 21 8 1 21 4 Akhet, Lower Nubia, by Erika
719,-7803 6:15 pm peak 10 Akhet, Upper Nubia, by Erika. Carrots had higher yield roughly between 5 and 7 pm.
400,-3250 2:00 am 1 1 - 3 4 Year 0 Ahket III-8, Lower Nubia, by Derusha (male).
170,-3300 4:35 am 1 1 - 4 3 Year 0 Ahket III-8, Lower Nubia, by Derusha (male).
-1,-3300 5:11 am 21 1 - 21 4 Year 0 Ahket III-8, Lower Nubia, by Derusha (male).21 cabbage: 3 leeks: (Female)
-220,-3200 6:35 am 20 1 - 20 4 Year 0 Ahket III-8, Lower Nubia, by Derusha (male).
-400,-3200 7:11 am 21 1 - 21 3 Year 0 Ahket III-8, Lower Nubia, by Derusha (male). There is no water near here.
-226,-3585 8:11 am 23 1 - 23 4 Year 0 Ahket III-8, Lower Nubia, by Derusha (male). There is no water near here.
1025,7000 10:20pm
- 4
- - - Nile Delta, Superfly
This was done in 2 rows of 4 each time with noone else in the area. Seems that around 9:00am is the best time right now, will do further tests.
-1334,-577 12:16 pm - - 1 11 6 Fool's Paradise, Superfly
106,7299 3:00 pm 8 5/4 1 8 7 Nile Delta, Andrew,The location dot is not accuret it needs to be about 20 coords North
2387, 2151 10:20am - 5 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2387, 2151 10:32am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2393, 2157 10:41am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2387, 2151 11:00am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2387, 2151 11:10am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2383, 2144 11:28am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2383, 2144 11:37am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2354, 2142 12:02pm - 5 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2383, 2144 12:09pm - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 04:30am - 13 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 04:36am - 14 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 04:42am - 15 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 04:59am - 15 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 05:08am - 15 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 05:12am - 14 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2386, 2152 05:23am - 12 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2421, 2129 05:34am - 11 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2430, 2089 05:43am - 6 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2451, 2190 05:54am - 8 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
2432, 2279 06:05am - 4 - - - RSO, Djehutmose
-5, -1966 01:11pm 30 - - - - KArnak, Kesi
-987,2698 10:30pm - 2:15am - - 8 - - Shemu II-27, DoS, Mahlok
-987,2698 2:15am - at least 3:00am - - 11 - - Shemu II-27, DoS, Mahlok
-2200,-433 08:05 8 FP, Sita
-85, -3875 XX:XXxxx 31 - - - - Lower Nubia, around small lake, many chests
-64, -3870 10:20am 34 - - - - Lower Nubia, around small lake, many chests. It lasted about 2-3 hrs (RL). Experienced by JacquouLe, male game character.
-1300,7800 07:33am - - - - 11 PB, Year 2 Akhet III-30 in mountainous terrain, 1 seed back by OdanoAkkori
-1100,7900 08:00amxxx - - - - - PB, Year 2 Akhet III-30, got 2 seeds on one planting out of 10, by OdanoAkkori
660 5332 02:59pm 48~54 Thirsty VoK Aqueduct Tower, long run from VoK CS - miceless (Note: I grew carrots here at 12:30am egypt time and only saw 24 carrot yields hikahi)
xxxxx,xxxxx XX:XXxxx Template Row

Would it make sense to also add other factors/info that appear to have been important in Tale1? E.g.

I realize this is a lot, but maybe it's as easy as bands across the land... I'll stop now.

>> suggestion: perhaps a terrain description by each entry would be useful (IE grass, near water, near lots of sand, top of hill, bottom of hill) to aid yield prospecting. The Whole Egypt map can't tell you that, and it would be painful to visit each site to determine local terrain. - Sabt-Pestnu

I tested cabbage, leeks and onions in various locations of the 11 regions of Eygpt and these are my findings:

Area            Cabbage                        Leeks                   Onions

Nile Delta            1                             1                          5

Pharaoh's Bay         1                             3                          4

Valley of the Kings   1                             3                          4

Fool's Paradise       1                             3                          4

Lower Nubia           1                             3                         4-7(more closer to water)

Upper Nubia           12                            12                          7

Karnak                1                              3                          4

Cradle of the Sun     3                              3                          5

Sinai                 3                              3                          6

Red Sea Oasis         6                              6                          6

Desert of Shades      2                              3                          6

Please note that further testing is needed because of the odd number yield with onions in Lower Nubia. All tests were conducted with in 5 coords of a water source. Uncertain if time of day had anything to do with the yield variation on onions I got. meQal


I just harvested 7 cabbages and 1 seed four times in a row in Nile Delta - Male Character

Cabbage seeds were planted two at a time, right beside my compound, 10 steps from the edge of sand, and 30 steps from water. Close-ish to a mountain.

No-one else was around. First two were planted around 3.10pm, second two around 3.20pm



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Last edited February 25, 2006 12:00 pm by Hikahi (diff)