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Gallery > Weddings > Vomiton And Nathea

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Vomiton And Nathea

Everyone stands patiently awaiting the start of the Wedding.

The wedding begins and Kaotika begins to pronounce husband and wife between the two.

Vomiton and Nathea announce their love for each other as Kaotika begins to preach the twos love for each other.

Smoke of Love fills the air when Vomiton and Nathea step up to the alter.

The Two lovers link their crystals in a final acceptance into ones life forever.

Everyone worships the Gods for allowing love between these two.

Sparks of Fire emit into the skies as the two are pronounced husband and wife.

And the Celebration begins!

AndSoItBegan.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:00 pm77131The wedding begins and Kaotika begins to pronounce husband and wife between the two.
BondingOfCrystals.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:43 pm86150The Two lovers link their crystals in a final acceptance into ones life forever.
Celebration.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:54 pm80416And the Celebration begins!
DuringWedding.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:14 pm96370Vomiton and Nathea announce their love for each other as Kaotika begins to preach the twos love for each other.
JustAfter.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:08 pm80416The fireworks begin just after Vomiton and Nathea form the bond.
SmokeOfLove.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:41 pm92327Smoke of Love fills the air when Vomiton and Nathea step up to the alter.
SparksOfFire.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:53 pm82707Sparks of Fire emit into the skies as the two are pronounced husband and wife.
WorshippingLove.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 6:50 pm83684Everyone worships the Gods for allowing love between these two.
beforewedding.jpgKaulamSeptember 18, 2005 5:56 pm70149Everyone stands patiently awaiting the start of the Wedding.

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Last edited September 18, 2005 6:55 pm by Kaulam (diff)