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Guides > Chime Tuning


Chimes are produced in an acoustics laboratory by working on a fine glass rod to change it's tone until you have an appropriately tuned Pure Chime. The properties are changed by applying treatments (which treatments are available depends on upgrades that the acoustics lab has).

[building behind ugly creature in front ;-) ] (T1 pic but looks the same, feel free to replace with a T2 ugly creature ;) )

Using the Lab

When you select "Start working a Wind Chime", one Fine Glass Rod is loaded into the lab. When the rod is loaded, it seems to be assigned a random sound. You will see a message like this "The sound is as pure as crystal. You hear: Diving Nightingale", and the sound will play. The menu on the lab will now allow to play the chime again, shatter (discard) the chime, tune it further or remove it.

The Tuning menu allows you to treat the rod to change its sound. Each upgrade you add to the lab gives you a different option on the Tuning menu. When you apply a treatment, the sound changes. You can apply the same treatment multiple times, and the sound will continue to change. The Tuning menu has options like:

As you treat the rod, it may go out of tune. When this happens, the message changes to something like this: "The sound is as pure as water after a rain. You think you hear:Diving Nightingale". You will not be able to remove the rod from the lab when it is like this. In order to remove a rod it needs to be "...pure as crystal." When you remove a rod you get a "Pure Chime" in your inventory, with a type that matches the sound you get. For example, Pure Chime:Diving Nightingale, Pure Chime: Floating Osprey, Pure Chime:Soaring Pheasant, etc.

Pure chimes are associated with only one audio tune, whereas impure chimes have a tune which combines the song of two pure chimes (the two nearest? with the listed tone the nearest one? this is speculation at the minute).

Chime Sounds

There are 20 different birds and 5 different levels.

The birds are:

The levels are:

The 100 possible chimes are arranged in a maze shown below. The green chimes are starting points. Treatment effects are specific to the acoustic lab you are using. Treatments do not move you precisely up/down/left/right, but at various angles. You will need to test your lab to find out what treatment, or combination of treatments, moves you in which direction. Some of the 'gaps' appear to be harder to get through than others.

WARNING: This is the T1 map. According to BigBoy (who worked on the T1 map and presumably has a big clue), the T2 map has changed and this needs redoing.

Bigboy- just to clarify, the map is the same but the black "walls" and white "holes" have moved around.

T1 map credits: This map was derived in part from Bigboy's chimetrails spreadsheet, also available below, and based on a theory proposed by Sigil here. Thanks also to Tamutnefret for some important early work on chime mapping.

Preladon - I've got the following three as starting points in Tale2
*Gliding Crane
*Hovering Pheasant
*Gliding Nightingale

Preladon - Here's what I've got so far...
Nargosi - Added some paths to the map and re-uploaded it.
Zignotrop - Additionnal paths.

*pinpon - j'apporte quelques informations, chaques laboratoires agient différement au action de traitement " seve de cactus , aluminium etc..." le premiers conseil que je peux donner , c'est de tester votre laboratoire. Imprimer le tableau , puis commencer, regarder par rapport au tableau vers quel coté le son se déplace , cela vous donnera quelques aperçu que tel traitement vous deplace a gauche , selui ci a droite , etc..." quelque fois , il faut faire ricocher le son pour qu il continu son déplacement, "" exemple= vous avez trouvez l action vers la droite, vous etes a hovering Lark ( voir tableau) et il va pas vers la droite, faites 1 coups vers le bas ou haut et ensuite vers la droite , le son se deplacera sur Hovering Nightengale. Voila , j'espere que ces informations vous aideront. Grace à cette technique , j ai reussi a faire les 99 sonoritées

chimemapT1.gifFaceAnkhMay 1, 2005 12:09 pm25215Tale1 chime map (will be removed when the T2 map is done)
wip_chimemapT2.pngZignotropJune 18, 2005 10:31 am9807Not Complete!

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Last edited December 17, 2005 10:26 am by pinpon (diff)