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Bienvenu à "BennuKhepri Traders Guild"

Mission Statement

Nous aidons les échanges entre amis et voisins, selon le système "TOUT EN TRADE, PAS DE CHAT" sur le chanel de la guilde. Tous els membres peuvent utilisé le chanel de la guilde pour proposer ou demander un trade. Les ineteréssés repondent par messages privés. Donc, quand vous voyez le chanel "BK's Traders" s'allumer, vous savez qu'un ami ou un voisin propose un trade--pas de chat. La BK's Trader guild est présente dans toute l'Egypte, a coté de certains chariots.

FAQS---Question fréquentes

Comment ca marche?

BK Trade has several Guild Chapters in Egypt (see list below). When you post a trade request on your BK Trade Channel, the request will only be seen by the members of that particular BK Trade Chapter. If you want your trade to be listed on the channels of other BK Chapters, simply type "please BROADCAST" at the end of your posting. Then, anyone who belongs to another chapter, may place your posting on other BK channels.

Does BK's compete with The Goods?

BK's does not compete with The Goods. The Goods is a valuable trading tool for everyone. But most players also enjoy trading with their friends & neighbors. BK's makes this aspect of your trading easier. BK's is not a big store. At BK's, there is no huge stock. There are no tellers. There is no complex pricing system. Your friends & neighbors respond to your posting. Only occasionally will BK's respond to your posting. You may trade with whomever you please. Trading with BK's is never be a requirement.

Why not just one big guild?

How do I "post a trade"? Is there a prefered format?

EXAMPLE #1 BennuKhepri: need 2 RABBITS
EXAMPLE #2 Seisme: offer 1000 BEESWAX
EXAMPLE #3 Pichia: need 5000 CONCRETE, please BROADCAST

How do I "respond to a posting"? What are the "Rules of Conduct"?

BK Trade channels are "ALL TRADE, NO CHAT". Idle chat makes real trades become less visible and scrolls them away. Idle chat on the BK Trade Channel is therefore inconsiderate and rude. Save the space for real trades.

May I re-post my trade, if I didn't get a response?

Unless your needs are more urgent, please consider waiting to repost a trade until after either

BK Trade Guild Chapters

Our network is expanding. Currently, every player is within one Chariot Stop hop from a BK's Chapter.
We recommend that you apply to a local chapter. If your chapter has a local manager (see names in brackets below), you may chat the manager to prompt the acceptance of your application. Otherwise, feel free to chat one of the Founding Elders listed below.
BK Trade Guild Chapters are all located very close to a chariot stop. Active traders, may wish to belong to more than one chapter. However, if you are taking up a membership slot in a non-local chapter, when that chapter is filled and needs to expand, please donate bricks & boards as generously as possible, so that more locals can join that chapter.


Founding Elders

With comments by BennuKhepri

Regional managers

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Last edited October 2, 2005 4:06 pm by kaayru (diff)