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Guilds > Pokegypt

Gotta collect them all!

That is, Octec crystals.

Guild Inventory

The guild currently has no inventory. A chest can be set up, if we ever have crystals to form an inventory.

Crystals for Trade

Anyone who has crystals they want to trade for other crystals, add your name to the list. (Remove it when you run out of crystals to trade...)

Who Which Crystal(s)
Kaayru Horus
Myn Anubis(x1), Bes(x1), Dua(x1), Hapy(x1), Horus(x2), Maat(x3), Min(x2), Sobek(x4), Taweret(x1)
capt d'anjou Buto(x6) Dua(x1) Min(x5)
SanderDolphin Bes, Dua, Isis
Gniss AmenRa, Bastet, Taweret

Crystals for Sale

If you have crystals that you are willing to trade for something other than "other crystals", add your name here, and provide clues to what you want in exchange. You will be inundated with requests, at least until things die down.

Who Crystal(s) Trade them for...
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Crystals Wanted

If you need it, they will come to rob you.

Crystal Who
Amen Ra Kehra, capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Anubis capt d'anjou
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Bastet Altair, capt d'anjou
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Bes capt d'anjou
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Buto SanderDolphin
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Hapy capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Hathor Altair, capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin, Gniss
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Horus SanderDolphin
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Isis capt d'anjou
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Maat capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Min SanderDolphin
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Montu SanderDolphin, Gniss
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Osiris capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Set capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Shu Tekhamon, SanderDolphin
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Sobek Tekhamon, capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Taweret SanderDolphin
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Thoth capt d'anjou
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Wepwawet capt d'anjou, SanderDolphin
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Last edited April 8, 2006 2:06 pm by Vilbert (diff)