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Guilds > The Goods

What We Are

The Goods is a trading company operating from Red Sea Oasis. The Guild House is just north of the Chariot Stop in the center of the city at 2322, 2321. The store compound is on the other side of the road at approx 2310,2320 (look for the blue compound with 'The Goods' sign in front of it). We have two aims: to facilitate trade, and to stockpile goods. These two purposes go hand-in-hand. The more goods we have, the easier it is for us to supply people with the goods they need, when they need them.

Facilitating trade isn't just about large trades or high-priced items. Nearly every newcomer who enters Egypt winds up needing to trade for enough nails to make a tent, but the established citizens who have their own iron mines seldom want to spend time haggling with them over the small quantities involved. We minimize the time and effort involved in trade by providing a simple self-correcting pricing system for all generic commodities.

All Tellers are members of The Goods Board of Directors (aka Tellers Chat) which is located at 2301 2321, behind the store compound. This is the admin part of The Goods.

The Goods has an external website where its trade list can be found at:

We also have a FAQ on this wiki. As it is easier to update this FAQ contains more current Guild policy than that found on The Goods website.

As you can imagine The Goods has to maintain a vast chest farm and as the Telling has progressed the number of huge chests is inevitably creeping towards the 150 mark. We are now building a medium house to help with this, details can be found at: Building Projects

What the Goods Guild Is For

The Goods Guild exists to provide a chat channel to facilitate requests for Tellers, to offer help to traders who may be having problems with their Goods trade and for Goods Directors to make Goods announcements.

Active elders

MeryetDjehuty, Ptenkhet, Temm, Thurgret and TpcT.

Active tellers

Arpallan, Balthazarr, captdanjou, CaveCub, Deeva, Deohotep, Erika, Ledara, MeryetDjehuty, Ptenkhet, Sord, Temm, TheGoods, Thurgret, TpcT and Vraitak.

The Goods Service Announcement

Please note that The Goods is NOT a 24/7 service. The Goods is administered by unpaid volunteers and thus we do not provide a continuous shift of Tellers. Tellers simply being online does not mean that they available as they have other commitments. Rudely demanding a Teller or being abusive to Tellers privately, in Main or in the Goods Guild channel may result in you being refused service and in extreme cases (if a member of the Goods) being expelled from the Guild.

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Last edited March 14, 2006 11:00 pm by MeryetDjehuty (diff)