To add your name to the table make a bullet list (using "*") of your fruit or honeys on your user or guild page and then add the tag "$INVENTORY Fruits" or "$INVENTORY Honey" above it. These are the fruits and honey you have available for TRADE. (or give them away!!)
Remember to put a space between the "*" and the fruit or honey names names.
For an example just view the code for one of the user pages already listed in the table, but DO NOT edit.
all greenish, reddish, sweet and tangy fruits | Coug, MomMouse, Teper |
flat citron | Alzarus, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Neutron, SunnyOne |
flat corian | Guardians Of Re, Neutron |
flat grapefruit | Guardians Of Re, SunnyOne |
flat lemon | Alzarus, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Jalestra, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Mahlok, Neutron, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
flat lime | Neutron |
flat orange | Alzarus, Edith, Lotus Lake Village |
flat tangelo | Guardians Of Re, Neutron, SunnyOne |
greenish citron | Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
greenish coralfruit | Alzarus, Beren, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Lindie, Neutron, SunnyOne |
greenish corian | Elle, Knives, Neutron |
greenish grapefruit | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
greenish lemon | Alzarus, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lindie, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Trillian, Zintwana |
greenish lenat | Elle, Hawkeye, Knives |
greenish mandarin | Beren, Elle, Hawkeye, Knives |
greenish orange | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
greenish pummelo | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Neutron, NoMaD |
greenish summerbell | Beren, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, KoK, Neutron |
greenish tangelo | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
greenish tangerine | Beren, Hawkeye, Knives, Neutron |
large citron | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, SunnyOne |
large coralfruit | Alzarus, Edith, Lotus Lake Village |
large corian | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
large grapefruit | Neutron |
large lemon | Alzarus, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Jalestra, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Trillian, Zintwana |
large lenat | Guardians Of Re, Neutron, NoMaD |
large lime | Alzarus, Edith, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
large mandarin | Gada |
large orange | Alzarus, Edith, Guardians Of Re, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, SunnyOne |
large summerbell | Beren, Guardians Of Re |
large tangelo | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
large tangerine | Alzarus, Edith, Gada, Lotus Lake Village |
long citron | Guardians Of Re |
long coralfruit | Alzarus, Beren, Edith, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
long corian | Alzarus, Edith, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
long grapefruit | Alzarus, Edith, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, SunnyOne |
long lemon | Gada, Neutron |
long lenat | Alzarus, Edith, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
long lime | Neutron |
long mandarin | Gada, Guardians Of Re |
long orange | Guardians Of Re, SunnyOne |
long pummelo | Guardians Of Re, Neutron, SunnyOne |
long summerbell | Gada |
long tangelo | Guardians Of Re |
long tangerine | Guardians Of Re |
reddish citron | Gada, Guardians Of Re |
reddish coralfruit | Gada, Knives, Neutron |
reddish corian | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
reddish grapefruit | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Lindie, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne |
reddish lemon | Alzarus, Beren, Edith, Elle, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, Lindie, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne, Trillian, Zintwana |
reddish lenat | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, KoK, Neutron, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
reddish lime | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
reddish mandarin | Knives |
reddish orange | Elle, Gada, Knives |
reddish pummelo | Mahlok, NoMaD |
reddish summerbell | Gada |
reddish tangelo | Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives |
reddish tangerine | Knives |
small citron | Guardians Of Re |
small coralfruit | Alzarus, Beren, Guardians Of Re, KoK, Neutron |
small corian | Guardians Of Re, Neutron |
small grapefruit | Alzarus, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Jalestra, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, Trillian, Zintwana |
small lemon | Alzarus |
small pummelo | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, Zintwana |
sweet citron | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
sweet coralfruit | Beren, Elle, Hawkeye, Knives |
sweet corian | Knives |
sweet grapefruit | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron |
sweet lemon | Alzarus, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Knives, KoK, Neutron |
sweet lenat | Hawkeye, Knives, Zintwana |
sweet lime | Hawkeye, Knives, Neutron |
sweet pummelo | Alzarus, Edith, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD |
sweet summerbell | Gada, Knives |
tangy citron | Gada, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Knives |
tangy coralfruit | Alzarus, Beren, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives |
tangy corian | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Lotus Lake Village, NoMaD |
tangy grapefruit | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Lindie, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, Zintwana |
tangy lemon | Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Neutron, Zintwana |
tangy lenat | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Knives, Neutron |
tangy lime | Hawkeye |
tangy mandarin | Beren, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives |
tangy orange | Alzarus, Beren, Edith, Elle, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lindie, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, Trillian, Zintwana |
tangy summerbell | Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives |
tangy tangelo | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Hawkeye, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, Zintwana |
tangy tangerine | Beren, Elle, Hawkeye, Knives |
all honeys | Coug, Knives, Neutron, Sabuli, Teper |
all honeys but citron | MomMouse |
citron-coralfruit | Alzarus, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-corian | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-grapefruit | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-lemon | Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-lenat | Alzarus, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-lime | Knives, Neutron |
citron-mandarin | Gada, Knives, Neutron |
citron-orange | Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-pummelo | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-summerbell | Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives |
citron-tangelo | Alzarus, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne |
citron-tangerine | Knives, Neutron |
coralfruit-corian | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-grapefruit | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-lemon | Alzarus, Beren, Elle, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-lenat | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-lime | Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
coralfruit-mandarin | Beren, Elle, Gada, Knives, Neutron |
coralfruit-orange | Alzarus, Beren, Edith, Elle, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-pummelo | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-summerbell | Beren, Gada, Knives, Neutron |
coralfruit-tangelo | Edith, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
coralfruit-tangerine | Beren, Elle, Knives, Neutron |
corian-grapefruit | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
corian-lemon | Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
corian-lenat | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
corian-lime | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
corian-mandarin | Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
corian-orange | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
corian-pummelo | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
corian-summerbell | Knives, Neutron |
corian-tangelo | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
corian-tangerine | Elle, Knives, Neutron |
grapefruit-lemon | Alzarus, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Trillian, Zintwana |
grapefruit-lenat | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
grapefruit-lime | Alzarus, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
grapefruit-mandarin | Knives, Neutron |
grapefruit-orange | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
grapefruit-pummelo | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
grapefruit-summerbell | Knives, KoK, Neutron, SunnyOne |
grapefruit-tangelo | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
grapefruit-tangerine | Elle, Knives, Neutron |
lemon-lenat | Alzarus, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
lemon-lime | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
lemon-mandarin | Beren, Knives, Neutron |
lemon-orange | Alzarus, Beren, Elle, Gada, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Trillian, Zintwana |
lemon-pummelo | Alzarus, Edith, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
lemon-summerbell | Beren, Gada, Knives, KoK, Neutron, SunnyOne |
lemon-tangelo | Alzarus, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
lemon-tangerine | Knives, Neutron |
lenat-lime | Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
lenat-mandarin | Elle, Knives, Neutron |
lenat-orange | Elle, Gemstar, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
lenat-pummelo | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne |
lenat-summerbell | Knives, Neutron |
lenat-tangelo | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, KoK, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
lenat-tangerine | Elle, Knives, Neutron |
lime-mandarin | Knives, Neutron |
lime-orange | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Gemstar, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
lime-pummelo | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
lime-summerbell | Knives, Neutron |
lime-tangelo | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
lime-tangerine | Knives, Neutron |
mandarin-orange | Beren, Elle, Gada, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
mandarin-pummelo | Knives, Neutron |
mandarin-summerbell | Beren, Elle, Gada, Knives, Neutron |
mandarin-tangelo | Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Neutron |
mandarin-tangerine | Beren, Elle, Gada, Knives, Neutron |
orange-pummelo | Alzarus, Edith, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Mahlok, Neutron, SunnyOne |
orange-summerbell | Beren, Elle, Gada, Knives, KoK, Neutron, SunnyOne |
orange-tangelo | Alzarus, Elle, Guardians Of Re, Hile, Jalestra, Knives, KoK, Les Aventuriers Du Nil, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
orange-tangerine | Alzarus, Beren, Edith, Elle, Gada, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron |
pummelo-summerbell | Knives, Neutron |
pummelo-tangelo | Alzarus, Guardians Of Re, Knives, Lotus Lake Village, Neutron, NoMaD, SunnyOne, Zintwana |
pummelo-tangerine | Elle, Knives, Neutron |
summerbell-tangelo | Elle, Knives, KoK, Neutron |
summerbell-tangerine | Beren, Elle, Gada, Knives, Neutron |
tangelo-tangerine | Elle, Knives, Neutron |