---Getting Started--- I trust you have ACTool installed. So now load it up. --Stage 1.-- MousePos, MousePos how do I know what you are? Simple, hold down Ctrl and press 'M' for the correct cords that the mous cursor is currently over. Dont expect the mouse to go somewhere without some sort of MousePos XXX, XXXX. Some more complex macros start at a certain position or shape like slate macros they start by pressing F2 which is handy. --Stage 2.-- Your MousePos not working?... add some delay. add just the right amount for it to work. Delay is needed somewhere in each macro so heres how to do it, your macro should look like this:
MousePos XXX, XXXX
Delay 500
Delay can be worked in seconds and minutes or fractions of seconds, 500 = Half a second, 5 sec = 5 seconds and 5 min = 5 minutes. If you wasn't to put either min or sec or any timer it would be in milliseconds 1000 in a second so work from there. --Stage 3.-- Clicks and drags. You might be wandering how to click its simple write: leftclick rightclick (or other clicks) so your macro may look like this:
MousePos XXX, XXXX
delay 500
Drags: Known as DragTo in ACTool. Will simply drag an object to an other part of screen (starts from current mousepos to the dragto you set.) Macro may look like this:
MousePos XXX, XXXX
delay 500
dragto XXX, XXXX
---End Of Basics---