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Microphones > Spam

SPAM has been set up for anybody to use. It is maintained by the guild SPAM Radio.
You can book the microphone in advance through the guild. We will bring the microphone to the location of your choice (has to be a reasonable distance from a Chariot Stop) and pick it up again after the booking period.
For example, let's say you are planning a vigil and would like to use the microphone to coordinate the sacrifices. Contact an Elder of SPAM Radio, and give them the following information: If nobody else has booked the microphone for your proposed time, we will set it up in the proposed location for you to use. We will make an announcement on the Forum who has booked the microphone, what the purpose is, and when it will be used for this purpose.
When your event is over (or 24 hours after the start), we will pick the microphone up again.
The guild reserves the right to refuse the use of the microphone - this could be because somebody else has made a booking before, because nobody could be found to transport it to the specified location, or because of previous misuse of the microphone.
Depending on the popularity of the microphone, we may need to restrict the use to once every two weeks per person, or shorten the maximum time allowed.

What does SPAM stand for?

Current Bookings

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Last edited February 21, 2005 3:33 pm by Kaotika (diff)