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Monument Of Leadership > Discussion

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From E!, the 18th April 2006.

Greetings Egypt ! :)

As you know, the Monument of Leadership site has been closed and torn down. Indeed, many people didn’t agree with some things. To talk about these problems and find compromises to make most of the people happy, we had many discussions the previous week end, about the 3 following topics:

- Where the monument should be located
- What rank should certain players (especially CT) be awarded
- What should we do about the previously voted test

The first topic stated that a more central location should be preferable to the present one in CotS. Halfway between ULead and the sea in RSO is the proposal that gathered the most support.
RSO has been the lead region of Tale2 (E!, Cooking Coordination, Festival Connection, The Goods ...), and Ulead for the reasons you imagine :)
So, the site has been rebuilt in RSO @ 2600 1970.
TheMazeEcho and Tweetiti kindly helped to move all the materials to the new site, many thanks to them :) The Monument site is opened for applying :) Please update the wiki with your name and rank :)

The second topic, about CT's rank. Many players think CT was a great leader for T2 and want him as sage, and many others a poor one because of gaming aaccusations and want him out of the Monument. We don't have time to prove if CT is a gamer or not, and anyway, if someone brings evidence proving he games, or doesn't game, people would be blind and deny it, either way. So, we have to make good compromises if we want to make most of people happy.
The retained proposition was to put CT as scribe (not sage, but not out, that’s a compromise), and Deeva offered to be a Scribe too, in the spirit of compromise. I couldn't talk to him about that yet (Internet issues), but one of his friend spoke to him and said he was ok. But I'll send him am e-mail anyway, just in case.

The third topic: The test proposal. What should we do about the test that was chosen in the previous vote as the vote was only on the tests present in the wiki at that time, people think we should revote on all the tests. The Test of the Reborn has won the previous poll, but I forgot all tests proposals posted on the forum (I rarely check the forums actually...) .
So this time, I’ll ask the test designers to put their proposals on wiki, so people can read and them translate (I’m seeking german players to translate the tests also, if anyone can do that), and they also should give a presentation on E!, to explain what their point is, with their proposal.
FaceAnkh kindly offered to conduct the new poll. He will use the condorcet method. The poll will start Thursday, please post your finalized proposals on the wiki in time, only tests present on the wiki will run for the poll!

Thanks everybody who participated to the discussion, for agreeing with to compromise. I know some of these decisions will upset some people, I truly know what you feel, but please keep in mind we needed to make compromises to see this Monument built.

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Last edited April 19, 2006 3:29 pm by kaayru (diff)