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Monument Of Worship > Poll

57 people voted in the Test poll.

The winner by Condorcet (a method to select the most acceptable candidate from a ranking of all the candidates) was the Test of the Leavened Bread!

Condorcet result

Detailed description of Condorcet methods

Computed using pSTV from with the "votes-pstv_raw.txt" file attached to this page.

You can also get the result with the online calculator at using the "votes-web.txt" file attached to this page (select Basic Condorcet, verbosity: "tell me everything" and paste the ballots in). The table is clearer to read there.

Election: Condorcet Method: Condorcet Completion Method: Schwartz Sequential Dropping Number of Ballots: 57 8 candidates running for 1 seats.

 -- -+- --+- --+- --+- --+- --+- --+- --+- --
 Danc|   0|  28|  17|  18|  14|  27|  24|  24
 Bonf|   8|   0|   6|   5|   6|   8|   7|   8
 Hall|  27|  36|   0|  25|  24|  36|  35|  33
 Mira|  27|  40|  22|   0|  20|  35|  33|  33
 Brea|  37|  44|  26|  33|   0|  42|  40|  38
 Tran|  11|  22|   5|   9|   9|   0|  12|  14
 Imbu|  16|  22|   8|  13|   9|  19|   0|  17
 Kula|  21|  27|  12|  17|  13|  22|  19|   0

 Round  1: Computing pairwise matrix.
           Smith set is Bread
           Candidate Bread is elected.

 Winner is Bread.

In the table above, each row shows the number of people that preferred one test over the other. So, looking at the first row, 28 people preferred Dance over Bonfire, 17 preferred Dance over Hallowed, etc. You can see the best ones were Bread, Hallowed / Miracles, Dance, roughly in that order.

Raw data

Who voted


These are the raw ballots, ordered by the anonymising number given to each voter (chat me if you've forgotten yours).

Voter number Ranking (most preferred first)
114 Hallowed, Bread, Miracles
115 Kula, Bonfire, Miracles
118 Hallowed, Bread, Kula, Transcend, Dance, Imbue, Miracles
121 Miracles, Hallowed, Dance, Bread
128 Bonfire, Dance
146 Bread
151 Hallowed, Bread, Miracles, Kula
172 Bread, Hallowed, Miracles, Dance
176 Miracles, Bread, Imbue, Hallowed, Dance, Transcend, Bonfire, Kula
178 Bread
182 Hallowed, Bread, Imbue, Miracles
185 Miracles, Dance, Kula, Transcend, Hallowed
195 Dance, Bonfire, Hallowed, Miracles, Bread
211 Bread, Miracles, Hallowed
217 Hallowed, Imbue, Miracles, Transcend, Bread, Kula, Bonfire, Dance
226 Miracles, Bread, Kula
268 Miracles, Imbue, Bonfire, Dance
289 Miracles, Bread
318 Miracles, Hallowed, Imbue, Transcend
326 Imbue, Kula, Bread, Bonfire, Dance
342 Bread
368 Hallowed
395 Dance, Bread, Hallowed, Miracles, Transcend
399 Kula, Imbue, Miracles, Hallowed, Bread, Dance, Transcend, Bonfire
408 Bread, Kula, Dance, Miracles, Hallowed
431 Miracles, Hallowed, Imbue, Bread, Transcend, Kula, Dance, Bonfire
463 Bread
472 Bread, Hallowed, Dance, Miracles
486 Hallowed, Bread, Dance, Miracles
517 Hallowed, Imbue, Kula, Transcend, Bread, Dance, Miracles, Bonfire
519 Dance, Bread, Hallowed, Transcend, Miracles, Bonfire, Kula, Imbue
541 Hallowed, Bread, Imbue, Miracles, Kula, Dance, Bonfire, Transcend
557 Miracles, Bread, Hallowed, Dance, Imbue, Transcend, Kula, Bonfire
558 Bread, Kula, Miracles, Imbue, Transcend
564 Dance, Bread, Miracles
592 Hallowed, Bread, Kula
613 Miracles
651 Hallowed, Miracles, Bonfire, Bread, Imbue, Dance, Kula, Transcend
669 Hallowed, Kula, Bread, Transcend, Miracles, Bonfire, Dance, Imbue
677 Hallowed, Bread, Imbue, Transcend, Dance, Miracles, Kula, Bonfire
702 Kula
703 Transcend, Dance, Miracles, Bread, Hallowed, Imbue, Kula
716 Kula, Miracles, Bread, Hallowed, Dance
723 Hallowed, Dance, Bread, Transcend, Kula, Imbue, Miracles
738 Miracles, Dance, Transcend
756 Kula, Bread, Imbue
787 Bread
791 Bonfire, Dance, Hallowed, Miracles, Transcend, Bread, Imbue, Kula
795 Bread, Dance, Imbue, Miracles
827 Bread, Dance, Hallowed, Miracles
831 Dance, Bread, Hallowed, Miracles, Imbue, Transcend, Bonfire, Kula
852 Miracles, Dance, Bread, Hallowed, Kula, Transcend, Imbue, Bonfire
883 Hallowed, Kula, Bread
888 Bread, Miracles, Dance, Hallowed, Transcend
898 Kula, Hallowed, Imbue, Bread
942 Imbue, Hallowed, Kula, Transcend, Bread, Miracles, Dance, Bonfire
960 Kula, Transcend

votes-pstv_raw.txtFaceAnkhMay 1, 2006 7:31 pm1947Ballots in PSTV raw format
votes-web.txtFaceAnkhMay 1, 2006 7:32 pm1947Ballots in a format suitable to paste into the online calculator

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Last edited May 1, 2006 7:34 pm by FaceAnkh (diff)