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Monument Tests > The Test Of Angry Gods

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Test of the Angry Gods

In this test architects try to contribute to please Egypt gods. Every Egypt month, the gods will be angry with 7 random regions and demand an offering and citizens gain points by doing it.

Citizens can find which regions need offerings by building a statue (need name) and meditate at it. It will say if gods are pleased, or if they will demand a resource. This statue it will semi-expensive. A single citizen will have some trouble to build it… and a small group won’t be able to build statues in all regions. After build, these statues will be public and everyone can sacrifice the resource. The last statue build in each region can be found by meditation (under test menu). More than one statue can be build in each region and all statues will vanish at the end of the month.

Scoring - The points each citizen gain are calculated like funerary temple (number of item sacrifice). You can sacrifice more than once, and points are calculated at the end of the month. You keep your score forever. Each statue will give independent scores (meaning that sacrificing 30 grass at one statue and 30 White Travertine Marble at another isn’t the same as sacrificing 50 grass and 10 White Travertine).

Passing will occur at the end of month (higher scores, number of pass should be define by DevTeam). This test should be release in the middle of the Tale when we have lots of resources, but we have lots of uses to them.

Rewards - If a region can score more than xxxx points, total of all citizens that score on that region, the Gods will be “very pleased” with that region and will bless it. This bless would be temporary (month) and would be a bless similar to the pyramids bless.

This is a first thought. I like particularly of architects building a semi expensive building that everyone can use, the monthly timing… and the endless amount of resources you can waste!!!

Some twists could be made if you like it enough.

Have Fun!

Important: I didnt have time to think in the names of stuff... even the name of the test is bad... but the voting have started!

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Last edited April 21, 2006 2:09 pm by TheMazeEcho (diff)