Forum thread
Worship has always been a question of what are you willing to do to please the gods?
The real question of worship should be what are you willing to give up?
In the past, the gods have bestowed blessings freely upon the priests of Egypt just for following them. The priests enjoyed giving away the numerous gifts of the gods to the people of egypt. Maat however saw this and feared this will eventually lead to chaos. Chaos would result from the constant giving without cost. This imbalances the scale of the universe. Order must be maintained. Maat orders that the priests of egypt restore this balance. They may bestore the miracles of the gods on the people of egypt but they must pay the cost to balance the scales.
The purpose of the test is to perform miracles to imbue bonuses on other players; however, the gods demand balance within Egypt!
The first part of the test is to form a devotional group. A group consists of 5 priests. The person who forms the devotional group is the head priest. A ritual is performed to proclaim your devotion to a specific god. All rituals are performed at an altar.
The ceremony is as follow:
- The first priest places a candle on the left focus and says "Let the gods above hear our words!".
- The second priest places a candle on the right focus and says "May the gods show us their way!".
- The third priest places an item on the left pillar and says "Let us serve the gods!".
- The fourth priest places and item on the right pillar and says "May the gods allow us to spread their way!"
- The head priest says a praise specific to each god and then meditate.
- Ra: "Open your blazing eye to us and allow us to show our devotion!"
- Shu: "Allow us look above at your majesty and show our awe!"
- Tefnut: "Allow us to share the joy you bring to us from the sky!"
- Geb: "Allow us to support you like you have supported us with the ground beneath us!"
- Nut: "Cover us with your nightly veil as you race across the sky!"
- Ptah: "Creator of all who shaped the world allow us to help you!"
- Maat: "Goddess who passes judgement on all allow us to share your insight!"
The specific items:
The first item goes on the left pillar. The second item goes on the right pillar.
- Ra oil, canvas
- Shu glass rod, canvas
- Tefnut jug, jug of water
- Geb silt,flint
- Nut small diamond,small quartz
- Ptah clay,wood
- Maat papyrus paper,medium stone
Once this ceremony is performed. The group now has the ability to perform miracles and ask the gods to grant bonuses
to other players.
Each god grants a different stat bonus.
The bonuses are as follows:
- Ra endurance
- Shu dexterity
- Tefnut speed
- Geb strength
- Nut constitution
- Ptah focus
- Maat perception
The test is passed by performing miracles. Each miracles give points. The group with the most points pass each week.
The miracle works by selecting a player and performing a ritual. If the ritual is performed correctly, the player
gains a bonus specific to the group's god. However the priests lose the exact amount. The penalty for the priests and the bonus to the player lasts the same amount of time.
There are 10 power ranks to miracles. With each rank, the bonus to the player, the penalty to the priests, and the duration is greater.
- rank 1 - player gains +5 each priest lose -1 duration lasts 1 hour
- rank 2 - player gains +10 each priest lose -2 duration lasts 2 hours
- rank 3 - player gains +15 each priest lose -3 duration lasts 3 hours
- rank 4 - player gains +20 each priest lose -4 duration lasts 4 hours
- rank 5 - player gains +25 each priest lose -5 duration lasts 5 hours
- rank 6 - player gains +30 each priest lose -6 duration lasts 6 hours
- rank 7 - player gains +35 each priest lose -7 duration lasts 7 hours
- rank 8 - player gains +40 each priest lose -8 duration lasts 8 hours
- rank 9 - player gains +45 each priest lose -9 duration lasts 9 hours
- rank 10 - player gains +50 each priest lose -10 duration lasts 10 hours
A player may only be blessed by a miracle once per week. The group receives a number of points equal to the rank for each person blessed. A group starts with only rank 1 and the rank they are capable of increases with the number of miracles performed. For every 5 blessings performed the next rank can be achieved.
The ritual for the miracle is performed as followed:
The ceremony is the same as the first ceremony except the phrases for the priests are different.
- Ra:
- 1st Priest "Ra above hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Ra!"
- 3rd Priest "With this oil allow us to share your heat!"
- 4th Priest "With this canvas allow us to maintain your fire!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the endurance of the always blazing sun!"
- Geb:
- 1st Priest "Geb below hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Geb!"
- 3rd Priest "With this flint we share your hidden treasures!"
- 4th Priest "With this silt we share your earthly gift!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the strength of the never yielding earth!"
- Shu:
- 1st Priest "Shu above hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Shu!"
- 3rd Priest "Without the air, this glass rod cannot achieve its use nor its beauty!"
- 4th Priest "With this canvas, we represent the sails that your winds fill for us!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the dexterity of the agile blowing wind!"
- Tefnut:
- 1st Priest "Tefnut above hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Tefnut!"
- 3rd Priest "With this jug we show our emptiness without you!"
- 4th Priest "With this jug we show our embrace of your gift and share it!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the speed of the racing rains!"
- Nut:
- 1st Priest "Nut above hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Nut!"
- 3rd Priest "With this diamond we show the brightness of the moon!"
- 4th Priest "With this quartz we show the sparkling of the night stars!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the constitution of the constant nightly veil!"
- Ptah:
- 1st Priest "Ptah above hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Ptah!"
- 3rd Priest "With this wood we share in your building!"
- 4th Priest "With this clay we share in your sculpting!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the intense focus of the great creator!"
- Maat:
- 1st Priest "Maat above hear our words!"
- 2nd Priest "Show us the way, Almighty Maat!"
- 3rd Priest "With this paper we shall record your judgement!"
- 4th Priest "Your judgement is as unbiased and as true as this stone!"
- Head Priest "Grant us the perception of your flawless judgement!"
After the ritual is performed, the head priest gets a popup box asking for the power rank of the miracle. After the rank is selected, the head priest will receive another popup box asking for the name of the player to receive the bonus.
As long as the player hasn't received a bonus for the week, the player gains the bonus. The devotional group gains
points equal to the power rank. The group cannot perform another miracle until the penalty is over.
If the player receiving the bonus is withing visual sight of the devotional group, the miracle automatically fails and no points is awarded and no bonuses and penalties occur. If the miracle fails, this doesn't count toward the once per week limit on players.
The reward for the test is the ability to perform these miracles.
My goal with this test is to give the feel of the gods of egypt in the worship discipline and a feeling of playing out
priests/priestess of those god. The tests of egypt often lack a feel of roleplaying to it when it should have that feel.