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Monument Tests > The Test Of The Oyster Catcher > Monument Text

Ancient scrolls have recently been purchased by Pharaoh following trade with the Indian Continent.
These scrolls describe the art of Oyster Catching!

Skilled divers from around the Indian Ocean catch oysters from the deep by swimming deep down into the ocean on a single breath of air in order to catch the rich pickings below!

Indeed the pickings are rich and the scrolls describe the finding of beautiful pearls of varying sizes and colours grown by these oysters.
Indian divers collect these pearls to create rare and delicate necklaces to enrich their culture.

Alas the technique in finding these oysters and building these necklaces was unknown to Egypt, until now.
Pharaoh has recently ordered a survey of our surrounding waters and has declared them to be rich in oyster beds and with these scrolls now is the chance for Egypt to finally produce beautiful jewellery!

Our scientists at Universities of Body have been analysing the scrolls and will be able to provide each person with a necklace template individualy crafted to their needs.
It will then be up to each person to discover the secret behind finding these pearls and creating their individual necklace.

Full description of the test can be found at

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Last edited April 16, 2006 6:18 pm by Zintwana (diff)