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Public Fennec Traps

I didnt seperate the french from the english page as it is usually done, because we will need to share the datas. Je n'ai pas séparé la page francophone de la page anglophone, car nous avons besoin de partager les données. - Ankh-el-Pandemis

Public Fennec Traps

Much of the effort in finding Fennecs is in checking the traps for signs, rather than building the traps. Thus some of us have made our traps public, so that they can be checked by anyone. However, the visibility range of traps is quite small, and you'll likely not find them unless you know where to look. This map shows where these are.

La plus gros effort à effectuer pour capturer les fennecs et de relever les pièges, plutôt que de les construire. Ainsi, certains d'entre nous avons rendu nos pièges publics, afin qu'ils puissent être vérifiés par tout un chacun. Cependant, la visibilité de ces pièges est si réduite que cela est inutile, si on ne sait pas ou chercher. Cette carte montre les emplacemnts des pièges publics.

Trap Etiquette

This seems like a friendly way to use these traps:

  1. Run around looking for signs of a Fennec. With a grid of traps, you can identify a likely area. If there are traps already in said likely area, check there, of course.
    1. An annoyance in trying to determine where Fennecs are likely to be is that when you successfully remove a Fennec from a trap, if becomes "Perfectly clean." Thus, when someone else wanders by and checks, that trap, it appears that there are no Fennecs within 1000 coords, when in fact, this cage may well capture another Fennec next cycle.
  2. If you find a Fennec. You'll get a popup saying, "You have found a <type> Fennec!" You can also check your log book, and you'll see the type of Fennec (Ruddy, for example). Do not check more traps in the area! You won't get any more points (you've already gotten one of that type of Fennec), and you'll release a Fennec that someone else could use. At this point, let your friends and neighbors know that there are likely Fennecs in the other nearby traps, and let them come and check. Also update Fennec Catches.
  3. If you find only signs. By looking at the traps that show signs and those that don't, you can identify a general area that the Fennecs are likely hiding. Build an array of traps in that area, and come back after 4:00 am or so to see if you got any. If you did, then go to step 2 above. Also, if you want to, make the traps you've built public, and log their coordinates here.
  4. Please do not leave private traps in the area where these public traps have been noted. Your trap may catch a Fennec which will go to waste: No one will be able to release it, as you're off doing something else. So, at the least, if you do build such traps, please run around making them public before you leave the area (for example, after you've gotten your Fennec). See below for discussion of whether even building a private trap in these areas is terribly bad manners.

Note that a trap that you released a Fennec from last night, might capture another Fennec tonight!

Cela nous semble une manière amicale de chasser les fennecs.

  1. Chercher des signes de fennecs En faisant une grille de pièges, on peut identifier la zone approximative où se trouvent les fennecs. Si une telle zone existe déjà, vérifiez là bien sûr.
  2. Si vous trouvez un fennec Vous obtiendrez une fenetre qui dira "You have found a 0 Fennec!" Le 0 est probablemtn un bug, mais el log du Safari vous permet de savoir quel espèce de fennec vous avez attrapé (Ruddy par exemple). 'Ne vérifiez pas d'autres pièges dans la zone après avoir trouvé un fennec !!!' Vous n'en gagneriez rien (vous avez déjà attrapé un fennec de ce type) et vous relacherez un fennec dont quelqu'un d'autre aurait pu bénéficier. A ce moment, faites connaitre à vos amis et voisins qu'il ya probablement des fennecs supplémentaires dans la même zone, et laissez les y aller et vérifier.
  3. Si vous ne trouvez que des signes. En vérifiant les pièges qui montrenet des signes de fennecs et ceux qui n'en montrent pas, vous pouvez identifier la zone générale ou les fennecs se cachent probablement. Construisez (ou étendez ) une grille de pièges dans cette zone, rendez vos pièges publics, entrez leurs coordonnées ici.
  4. Veuillez ne pas construire de pièges privés dans la zone de pièges publics postés sur le wikki. CE sont de désastreuses manières, puisuqe les cages privées captureront des fennecs qui aurait été normalement capturés par des cages publiques. Veuillez considérer que les pièges publics peuvent être vérifiées par tous, à l'opposition de pièges privés. Si vous pensiez rendre la cage publique une fois un fennec capturé, veuillez considérer ceci : si tout le monde fonctionne comme cela, il y aura rapidement un énorme nombre de cages pour une zone de capture très restreinte - cela serait a) - terrible à voir b) un cauchemar de vérifier les pièges dans cette zone. Pour autant qu'on sache, chaque espèce de fennec est localisé dans une zone très restreinte, et ne se déplacent pas du tout - laissons une chance à tous de capturer les quatre espèces de fennecs.
Notez bien qu'un trap d'ou vous avez relaché un fennec la nuit dernière peut très bien en capturer un autre ce soir !

Building private traps.

The wiki's not a great place to have a discussion. I guess we should start a Forum thread, but in the mean time I've moved the "private trap" section here.

Please do not build private cages in an area where public cages have been posted on wiki. This is terribly bad manners as private cages may capture Fennecs that would otherwise be caught by the public cages. Please consider that public cages can be checked by all but private cages can only be checked by one person. Considering that new Fennec captures occur about 3 times per real life day it is unrealistic that private cages will be checked 3 times as well. If you are thinking oh I'll make them public once I catch a Fennec please consider this. If everyone did this there would be a huge number of cages in a small capture area - this would a) be an eyesore and b) would become a nightmare to check. As far as we can tell at the moment all Fennec packs are located in single small areas and do not move much at all - lets give everyone a chance to catch 4 subspecies.

Will the author of the above tone it down a little? With the current Fennec trap behavior, private traps are the only way you can make certain of the trap state. "Clean" might mean "very far from any Fennec," or "someone just took a Fennec from here, and it might get another real soon." I've suggested to Pharaoh a, "A fennec was recently released" kind of message, but who knows if he'll think it a good idea. -- Jaby

Sorry Jaby I think point 4 should stand as it is - The reason being that people post their public traps here to help others with the test. They do not expect others to take advantage of the information they gave by placing private cages in the area. Doing so makes a nonsense of having a public cages page on the wiki in the first place. -- Zintwana.

Think I see what you were getting at about "private traps are the only way you can make certain of the trap state". This is not true as in my experience the traps I set in a Short-Haired fennec area changed their state on a nightly basis i.e. a "signs of fennec" cage became a "perfectly clean" message within 1 Egyptian day. Think Airmid has already observed that this change occurs at about 0400 am. There is no need for private cages to confirm there are fennecs nearby - public cages do this just as well. -- Zintwana

I see that I was not clear on why I build, and will continue to build, private traps. Note that I'm in favor of public traps. I'm the creator of this page, for example. Further, I don't leave private traps, but I need them for finding fennecs, I think.

If lots of traps show signs, but none get Fennecs, I need to know which direction to build new traps. I don't need private traps to tell where Fennecs are near (as you point out). I need private traps to tell where Fennecs are not near. If I make a trap public, then come back to find it "clean," I don't know what I need to know. It might be that there are no Fennecs near, and I should look the other direction. It might, however, mean that that trap got a Fennec that was taken by someone else. -- Jaby

Ahha I gotya Jaby - now I see what you mean - Yes i totally understand what you're saying now and indeed the use of private traps can help others in the long run by locating new fennec locations. My personal quibble was with the placement of private cages in the middle of areas where there had already been catches in public cages. I agree this discussion may have been better placed on the forums but I think you'll agree it makes good reading and hopefully broadens peoples awareness of the intricacys of hunting fennecs :D -- Zintwana

"This is terribly bad manners as private cages may capture Fennecs that would otherwise be caught by the public cages." - is that true? I've seen no evidence of this. All cages in range seem to catch a fennec. -- Amtep

You may be right Amtep as I just caught a Bushy in a public cage near to one already captured the same day. Seems like Apophis was incorrect in his statement on the main Safari wiki site. Guess we will have to have a few more confirmations to put this one to bed - anyone else got any observations regarding this? -- Zintwana

Confirmations? Heh, just read the UBody description again. "traps within 250 coords will capture one" means what it said, and said what it meant. Honestly, no need to jump all over people for having private traps... *sulks* -- Knives

This would be easy to test or fix one way or another, if its any trap within 250 coords will capture then public traps vs private traps do not matter, if its 1 trap per night in that 250 coords, then why not do a double trap system? Have 2 public traps side by side at each grid point, take a fraction longer to check but not by much... Neena

New Trap pages

Please use these pages: Confirmed Fennec Traps (Up to date as of 4/4/06), and Old Fennec Traps to see where traps are needed, and where they have been in the past.

Happy Hunting!

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Last edited April 4, 2006 10:30 pm by Latona (diff)