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Regions > Red Sea Oasis > Sphinx > Chimes

Note that because the requirements vary by construction site, goal should be AT LEAST 7*28 fine glass rods, and then someone who knows chimes needs to salvage and rebuild the site until 7 easy-ish ones are required.

Alphabetical list of estimated effort

Chime Type Effort* Lab Maker
Diving Albatross 34+
Diving Buzzard 22+
Diving Condor 19
Diving Crane 28+
Diving Eagle 34+
Diving Finch 22+
Diving Gull 40+
Diving Hawk 28+
Diving Hummingbird 37+
Diving Lark 46+
Diving Nightingale 37+
Diving Osprey 28+
Diving Owl 31+
Diving Parrot 25+
Diving Pheasant 43+
Diving Puffin 16
Diving Raven 31+
Diving Sparrow 25+
Diving Warbler 19
Diving Waxwing 25+
Floating Albatross 28
Floating Buzzard 12
Floating Condor 15
Floating Crane 34
Floating Eagle 28
Floating Finch 37
Floating Gull 28
Floating Hawk 28
Floating Hummingbird 25
Floating Lark 22
Floating Nightingale 25
Floating Osprey 31
Floating Owl 31
Floating Parrot 31
Floating Pheasant 25
Floating Puffin 40
Floating Raven 31
Floating Sparrow 34
Floating Warbler 37
Floating Waxwing N/A N/A N/A
Gliding Albatross 22
Gliding Buzzard 40
Gliding Condor 31
Gliding Crane 10
Gliding Eagle 16
Gliding Finch 28
Gliding Gull 34
Gliding Hawk 8
Gliding Hummingbird 11
Gliding Lark 14
Gliding Nightingale 11
Gliding Osprey 22
Gliding Owl 9
Gliding Parrot 13
Gliding Pheasant 17
Gliding Puffin 34
Gliding Raven 19
Gliding Sparrow 25
Gliding Warbler 43
Gliding Waxwing 31
Hovering Albatross 8
Hovering Buzzard 34
Hovering Condor 25
Hovering Crane 34
Hovering Eagle 28+
Hovering Finch 22
Hovering Gull 10
Hovering Hawk 40+
Hovering Hummingbird 13
Hovering Lark 34+
Hovering Nightingale 31+
Hovering Osprey 10
Hovering Owl 37
Hovering Parrot 37+
Hovering Pheasant 7
Hovering Puffin 22
Hovering Raven 9
Hovering Sparrow 13
Hovering Warbler 31
Hovering Waxwing 19
Soaring Albatross 40+
Soaring Buzzard 28+
Soaring Condor 31+
Soaring Crane 22+
Soaring Eagle 46+
Soaring Finch 34+
Soaring Gull 28+
Soaring Hawk 34+
Soaring Hummingbird 31+
Soaring Lark 34+
Soaring Nightingale 37+
Soaring Osprey 40+
Soaring Owl 25+
Soaring Parrot 31+
Soaring Pheasant 31+
Soaring Puffin 28+
Soaring Raven 43+
Soaring Sparrow 37+
Soaring Warbler 25+
Soaring Waxwing 31+

 *Rough rating of effort:  Sum of distance removed from each starting point.
 "+" if you have to pass through Diving Condor, which seems to be a fussy point.

Sorted by estimated effort

Chime Type Effort* Lab Maker
Hovering Pheasant 7
Hovering Albatross 8
Gliding Hawk 8
Gliding Owl 9
Hovering Raven 9
Hovering Gull 10
Hovering Osprey 10
Gliding Crane 10
Gliding Nightingale 11
Gliding Hummingbird 11
Floating Buzzard 12
Hovering Hummingbird 13
Gliding Parrot 13
Hovering Sparrow 13
Gliding Lark 14
Floating Condor 15
Diving Puffin 16
Gliding Eagle 16
Gliding Pheasant 17
Diving Condor 19
Hovering Waxwing 19
Diving Warbler 19
Gliding Raven 19
Soaring Crane 22+
Diving Buzzard 22+
Hovering Puffin 22
Hovering Finch 22
Gliding Osprey 22
Diving Finch 22+
Floating Lark 22
Gliding Albatross 22
Floating Nightingale 25
Diving Sparrow 25+
Diving Waxwing 25+
Soaring Warbler 25+
Diving Parrot 25+
Soaring Owl 25+
Floating Pheasant 25
Floating Hummingbird 25
Gliding Sparrow 25
Hovering Condor 25
Floating Hawk 28
Gliding Finch 28
Diving Osprey 28+
Diving Crane 28+
Soaring Gull 28+
Soaring Buzzard 28+
Diving Hawk 28+
Hovering Eagle 28+
Floating Eagle 28
Floating Albatross 28
Floating Gull 28
Soaring Puffin 28+
Floating Osprey 31
Hovering Warbler 31
Floating Raven 31
Hovering Nightingale 31+
Soaring Pheasant 31+
Diving Owl 31+
Soaring Hummingbird 31+
Soaring Parrot 31+
Soaring Condor 31+
Diving Raven 31+
Soaring Waxwing 31+
Gliding Waxwing 31
Floating Owl 31
Gliding Condor 31
Floating Parrot 31
Hovering Crane 34
Hovering Buzzard 34
Hovering Lark 34+
Floating Crane 34
Diving Eagle 34+
Diving Albatross 34+
Soaring Lark 34+
Soaring Finch 34+
Gliding Puffin 34
Gliding Gull 34
Soaring Hawk 34+
Floating Sparrow 34
Soaring Nightingale 37+
Hovering Parrot 37+
Diving Nightingale 37+
Diving Hummingbird 37+
Soaring Sparrow 37+
Hovering Owl 37
Floating Finch 37
Floating Warbler 37
Soaring Osprey 40+
Gliding Buzzard 40
Floating Puffin 40
Soaring Albatross 40+
Diving Gull 40+
Hovering Hawk 40+
Soaring Raven 43+
Diving Pheasant 43+
Gliding Warbler 43
Diving Lark 46+
Soaring Eagle 46+
Floating Waxwing N/A N/A N/A

Already Existing

Item On Site Pledge
Diving Condor 2 (Calixes)
Diving Parrot 1 (Calixes)
Diving Puffin 2 (Calixes)
Diving Warbler 3 (Calixes)
Floating Buzzard 3 (Calixes)
Floating Condor 3 (Calixes)
Gliding Crane 1 (Calixes)
Gliding Eagle 2 (Calixes)
Gliding Hawk 1 (Calixes)
Gliding Hummingbird 1 (Calixes)
Gliding Lark 2 (Calixes)
Gliding Nightingale 3 (Calixes)
Gliding Owl 2 (Calixes)
Gliding Parrot 1 (Calixes)
Gliding Pheasant 1 (Calixes)
Hovering Albatross 2 (Calixes)
Hovering Condor 1 (Calixes)
Hovering Finch 3 (Calixes)
Hovering Gull 1 (Calixes)
Hovering Osprey 2 (Calixes)
Hovering Pheasant 3 (Calixes)
Hovering Puffin 1 (Calixes)
Hovering Raven 4 (Calixes)
Hovering Sparrow 2 (Calixes)
Hovering Waxwing 1 (Calixes)
Soaring Buzzard 1 (Calixes)
Soaring Crane 1 (Calixes)
Soaring Owl 1 (Calixes)
Soaring Warbler 1 (Calixes)

I'll donate any of what I have listed above when the actual needs are determined. ~Calixes


For chime makers, please list chimes you know how to make reliably, and rate the quickness/ease to make them. (with 0 being easiest/fastest -- I am thinking of maybe using number of treatment steps as the rating. If you can make it but don't know exact number, just estimate). That way, we can have a list of what to shoot for when putting up, tearing down, putting up con site, looking for a suitable list of chimes. :)

I can make any chime specified using RSO public lab. I'll see if I can get to listing relative difficulty of them. If I have time, it may be possible to post "recipes" for some of them. No, I don't want to do them all myself -- I did that last time and it took too long. --Sola
Another thought: we may with to team up with other Sphinx groups and do one Sphinx's chimes at a time. That way less has to be done at one strech. --Sola

I can also make any chime specified using the Sunset acoustics lab. For whatever reason, I find it easier to do chimes on the lower half of the Chime Tuning chart, e.g., all of the rows from the one that starts with Hovering Gull downward are easier for me than the ones above that. -- Nikka

RSO Public lab notes

Rough indicators of directions for treatments

Hot left+ down-
Cold left+ up-- ?
Shear right down
Quicksilver right up
White sand left up
Silk right down
Work spirits up
Aluminum Powder right++
Light right- up+
Shock left down
Polish right up
Wax left+ down?
Sap right? up+

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Last edited March 11, 2006 6:28 am by Sola (diff)