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Nut's Essence

Made in a Toxin Kitchen. Starting a batch of Nut's Essence starts a 30 minute constitution timer.



Botanical Identification (level 1), school of Body

How to Make Nut's Essence

Stock your toxin kitchen with charcoal, cactus sap, cabbage juice, water in jugs, and Nefertari's Crown mushrooms. Per batch of nut's essence you will need 3 mushrooms and about 10 of the other ingredients.

You need 3 water in jugs to start the recipe.

Stage 1

Heat the kitchen to between 600 and 800 degrees. Make sure you keep the volume of the mixture above 0 by adding water. If the volume drops to 0 any time in the process the recipe is ruined. The higher the temperature is the faster the volume will dropo.

Add a Nefertari's Crown mushroom.

Stage 2

Raise the acidity to 3.4 - 3.8 using cactus sap. Test the acidity using cabbage juice. If you raise it too high, just wait a few ticks until it drops into the correct range. If you think you are in the right range just try putting in the mushroom. You don't have to check first and nothing will go wrong if it's in the wrong range.

Add a Nefertari's Crown mushroom.

Stage 3

Let the mixture cool to 200 to 400 degrees.

Add a Nefertari's Crown mushroom.

Stage 4

Wait for the precipitate to reach 1.00 and take the Nut's Essence. If the precipitate stops rising try increasing the temperature a little but stay under 400 degrees. If this doesn't work it's because the acidity is too low. Try adding a little cactus sap.

You will get 1 db of Nut's Essence from a sucessful batch

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Last edited April 18, 2006 5:39 am by Clovis (diff)