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Raw Data Data from all cross-breeding experiments conducted on Sea Lilies
Crossbreed Theories Place to put forth theories and proof/disproof them.
Crossbreed Types Crossbreed Flowers existing in-game at the moment.
Gardeners List of users who are growing/breeding flowers.
Sea Lily Genetics Research into the genomes of Sea Lilies.

Lily of the Sea

A flower bulb. A complex item, it appears in inventory as "Sea Lily Bulb:<type>". One bulb per player may be acquired for free from a University with Horticulture unlocked.

It may be planted anywhere, but requires 100 water in jugs in your inventory to do so (the jugs will be emptied but retained). When planted, it will bloom into a Lily of the Sea in one hour. Once it blooms, it may be fertilized every 2 hours with 20 units of Flower Fertilizer. After 24 fertilizations, you can "Check the bulb for signs of budding" from the flower's window menu. The amount of fertilizations required to detach an extra bulb from a Lily of the Sea is strain and fertilizer dependent.

A Sea Lily has 7 color regions:

When research calls for petal colors, it will request something like "75%" of a color, which means 3 of the four petal regions that color.

The basic color gene types are magenta, cyan, and yellow. Red is even amounts of magenta and yellow, blue is even amounts of magenta and cyan, green is even amounts of yellow and cyan, and grey/black is equal amounts of all three (white is no color genes). Uneven amounts of the three types will produce various other colors, some of which a normal observer would call "red" or "blue", but if "red petals" is requested by research or a festival, only technically red petals will count. Increasing numbers of each gene result in brighter colors, and there are at least three shades of a given color possible (visible on Blush strain). We note color intensity with levels, for example "magenta 1" indicates a color strength less intense than "magenta 2".

They come in two basic sizes, dwarf and normal. Other sizes can be bred from these thru Crossbreeding. The dwarf and giant genes work in slightly different ways, so both extreme and intermediate sizes can be produced. A size intermediate beween the dwarf and normal sizes has been produced, as have larger than normal ones. It's not clear exactly which dwarf or giant genes each base type has, as until now there's been no way to check, and now we can only check what a university asks for.

Screen Shots

Blush Clarity Crown Delicate
Energy Fracture Morning Vampire

Fact Sheet

Name Availability Petals Inner Stamen Middle Stamen Outer Stamen Size Bulbing Speed
Blush Red Sea Oasis 75% magenta 1, 25% white magenta 1 magenta 2 magenta 3 normal 38
Clarity Flowers Event 75% white, 25% gray 2 white white gray 2 normal 48
Crown Karnak, Sinai 25% red 3, 75% white white white white normal 38
Delicate Flowers Event, UN all white white white red 3 dwarf 48
Energy Cradle Of The Sun all yellow 2 white white white normal 28
Fracture ND, LN, VoK, DoS 25% magenta 1, 75% white white white white normal 48
Morning Fool's Paradise 50% green 1, 50% yellow 2 yellowish green 1 yellowish green 1 yellowish green 1 normal 48
Vampire Pharaoh's Bay all white white white red 3 normal 48


Theories, Observations

SeaLilyBlush.jpgAnthersMarch 8, 2005 8:47 pm47314Sea Lily: Blush
SeaLilyClarity.jpgAnthersMarch 9, 2005 6:47 am49156Sea Lily: Clarity
SeaLilyCrown.jpgAnthersMarch 8, 2005 9:13 pm48436Sea Lily: Crown
SeaLilyDelicate.jpgAnthersMarch 9, 2005 10:59 pm51987Sea Lily: Delicate
SeaLilyEnergy.jpgAnthersMarch 8, 2005 9:20 pm48317Sea Lily: Energy
SeaLilyFracture.jpgAnthersMarch 8, 2005 9:24 pm49420Sea Lily: Fracture
SeaLilyMorning.jpgAnthersMarch 8, 2005 9:28 pm48786Sea Lily: Morning
SeaLilyVampire.jpgAnthersMarch 8, 2005 9:33 pm49327Sea Lily: Vampire
inner_petals.jpgMyremiMarch 24, 2005 5:07 am19464Inner Petals
outer_petals.jpgMyremiMarch 24, 2005 5:08 am19398Outer Petals
stamen.jpgMyremiApril 18, 2005 2:27 pm14034Stamen=Revised to reflect Alya#17.

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Last edited January 30, 2006 8:16 pm by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)