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Sunset > Enterprises

Looking forward to Tale 3, we've changed the name of the Sunset Lounge guild to Sunset Enterprises. The guild structure for Tale 3 will be:

Sunset_Papyrus Pretty much as it is now - with a continued emphasis on mentoring Just a bit to the south of the clay patch, rather than right on top of it, at about 1470, 2280
We'll still have a drying compound up on the mountain at about 968, 2432
We'll probably build a large Paper Press Complex at the north end of the papyrus run, around 1460, 2780
Sunset_Enterprises A residence guild that will control all of our intermediate and advanced technology, basically everything that doesn't need a lot of water The Thought and Art compound will be east of the road, at about 1450, 2270
The Enterprise compound, with all of the tents and advanced equipment, will be on the west side of the road at about 1440, 2275
While we won't worry about it very much, we'll encourage folks to build their compounds in the suburbs to the east of the road, back towards the caldera, rather than right on the riverbank
Sunset_Projects Our drayage guild for the heavy lifters, and it ends up being our management guild as well This guildhall will wander around, collecting and delivering Bricks and Boards

Sunset Enterprises will be our residence guild for Tale 3, and we'll be transferring property from Sunset Venery, Foundry, and Elders over to Sunset Enterprises for the next several weeks, as time permits.

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Last edited January 22, 2006 3:00 am by MarvL (diff)