The Sunset Projects guildhall is primarily for collecting and delivering the Bricks and Boards that are needed for various large projects, and for moving them to the proper location. Because the heavy lifters are mostly Sunset Enterprises Kinsmen and Elders, the Sunset Projects Guild also serves as our management guild.
You can always get the status of our current projects by typing /info Sunset Projects. Additional details are included on this page. Our project donation chests are at:
- 1467 2303 Sunset Projects (near the Clinker Vat)
- 1418 2396 Trade Chest 14 - Sunset Projects
/info Sunset Projects message
As of March 26th we have:
No current projects. Any suggestions?
Check for more details.
Project Details
A hillside fountain that showcases Sunset Papyrus is done.
- 90 Copper Pipes (900 Copper)
We have gearboxes for several quarries, and need help raising the blocks.
- 100 Medium Gears (2000 Iron)