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Test Of Dancing Waters > Fountains Locations

For the Test Of Dancing Waters

                                                                                        Map of Egypt



Designer/ Créateur

Opened / Ouvert

Passed / Passé

Additional Information / Autres

**Location** Region Designer/ Créateur Opened / Ouvert Passed / Passé Additional Information / Autres
1570 -1045 Karnak Tweetiti Opened / Ouvert My Water Clock is At the UWorship
1125 6405 ND Apedemak Opened / Ouvert South of the cs at the NPSE Guild
-1228 5636 VoK Phoenixwcu Opened / Ouvert North of the cs at Lollipop Guild Pond
-1361 5313 VoK Lill Opened / Ouvert On the road to the cs
-1408 5161 VoK Pacer Opened / Ouvert In my formal garden
-1365 5268 VoK Solipsistos Opened / Ouvert Just off the road to the south of Lill's fountains.
-1600 5212 VoK Jezebella Opened/ Ouvert Off sw rd from the cs before UArch
2350 3022 RSO TheMazeEcho Opened / Ouvert near my formal garden, between the black pillars
2415 2333 RSO Robare Opened / Ouvert North of RSO S of Arch
2332 2560 RSO Subira Opened / Ouvert North of RSO CS, across from U of Body
1454 2336 RSO MarvL Opened / Ouvert Western RSO, just across the RSO bridge. (Redesigned on April 15th)
1416 2234 RSO Seshat Opend / Ouvert Showcases the Sunset Papyrus Guildhall
1439 2242 RSO MarvL Opened / Ouvert Where the road cuts through the range of hills just southwest of the RSO bridge.
5084 -1527 CotS Eighteen Opened / Ouvert Passed
899 -1041 Karnak Cathy13 opened/ ouvert ADN camp
829 -936 Karnak dedenav Opened / Ouvert ADN camp
1281 -241 Karnak Gatun Opened North from cs past S Body to Camelot at 8 shaped lake
1263 -263 Karnak EveF Opened North from cs past S Body to the T junction near the at 8 shaped lake
New Location & design
718 -1385 Karnak Kisagin Opened South and west from cs. See a hill climbing set of fountain!
1032 -3747 LN sheree Opened behind formal garden
1446 -3655 LN Helpmaboab Opened / Ouvert
476 -3379 LN tripps Opened / Ouvert Passed Tripps Fountain Park is a short run west of ULead
-2178 -576 FP Kuupid Opened / Ouvert Short run west of CS over river
-1846 2733 DoS Kaayru Opened / Ouvert Next to Bureaucracy and Formal Garden
2223 2273 RSO Daktar Opened / Ouvert West from the CS by Gin and Grin
1455 3205 RSO Deohotep Opened / Ouvert
1528 3191 RSO Calixes Opened / Ouvert
-2137 -323 FP DrDave Opened / Ouvert There are actually 2 fountains here. We have yet to find a computer that will not crash with max fountain detail. 2nd highest notch if you are brave, lower if you have older hardware, thanks
-2137 -323 FP Electa Opened / Ouvert Please see comments regarding DrDaves fountain =)
778 7487 ND Murtha Opened / Ouvert Just next to UBody and a bit behind.
1322 7242 ND Sallah-Hazerah Opened/ Ouvert By the Northern Sarch also near U Lead nd best seen by f8 camera
1060 6930 ND Zarrehp Opened/ Ouvert South from chariot, and then cross the bridge. Enjoy!!
920 6877 ND zebediah Opened/ Ouvert South from chariot, cross the bridge, just south of SArt.
2412 5642 Sinai Hasani Opened / Ouvert Northwest from cs, across the road from SBody.
681 -7787 UN TonyG Opened / Ouvert Just North of the CS in UN
2625 5526 Sinai Sord Opened / Ouvert Just SW of the CS in Sinai
830 -1328 Karnak sky40 Opened / Ouvert On the East bank of the Nile, just south of ADN
2314 2736 RSO HoHoTep Opened / Ouvert North of Ubod in RSO
-1463 2820 DOS Cheos Opened / Ouvert Right near the CS, in DOS
-1392 2807 DoS Ping Opened / Ouvert Just north of the CS at the XRoads North Walkway
1135 -2715 LN Leghk Opened / Ouvert NE of Pacman Lake, East of Pirates' Crossing bridge.
4958 -1988 CotS Osre Opened / Ouvert Just a few feet south of the CS -- visit while waiting for the bus :)
-1959 -343 Fools Paradise kap0w Opened / Ouvert Incorperated into my Garden/sculpture/statue in the NE corner of the wildlife park. Please feel free to judge the gazebo & sculptures!! 8) please /chat kap0w if you cannot find the voting mechanism this is on purpose so people who like a challenge might have fun too, thanks!!
2784 1495 RSO Amuniet Opened / Ouvert Southern RSO in front of Red Sea Disciple's Guildhall

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Last edited May 3, 2006 3:28 am by Kap0w (diff)