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The Test Of Life > Lower Karnak Plumbers Union

                                                                                                                                                                               Map of Egypt






Location Owner Stat Vegetables Herbs
990, -2198 Lindala Dex None None
1000, -2216 Lindie Str None None
990, -2233 Losiris End None None
1000, -2251 Amy Foc None None
990, -2268 Savanhotep Foc None None
1010, -2268 Rainyday Per Carrots (3X) None
1000, -2285 Lindala Dex None None
1010, -2303 Tola Str None None
1020, -2320 Lani End None Scrape away the leaf Hairs
1040, -2319 Ferns End None None
1029, -2337 Amtep Per None None
1039, -2354 Zmy Spd None None
1050, -2372 Lindie End Leeks (3X) None
1009, -2198 Lindie Con None None
1030, -2198 Lindie End None None
1050, -2198 Lindie Foc None None
1040, -2181 Lindie Str None None
1059, -2216 Lindie Spd None None
1069, -2233 Lindie End None None
1069, -2198 Lindie Str Watermelons (3X) None
1090, -2233 Corinthine Str Carrots (3X) None
1110, -2233 Savanhotep Str None None
1130, -2233 Savanhotep Con None None
1150, -2233 Lindie Foc None None
1170, -2233 Lindie End None None

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Last edited November 24, 2005 12:30 pm by Lindie (diff)