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The Test Of The Holy Shrine > Original Text

Test of the Holy Shrine:

With this test we challenge you to become a priest of the holiest shrine in the land.

The first step is to organize a group of 5 people all with alignment to one of the gods. Then your team can construct a unique simple shrine to that god. The 7 gods to test for alignment are: Ra, Thoth, Osiris, Isis, Bastet, Maat, Hathor. Once at least 5 shrines are built, then the test begins.

The 5 priest team with the highest accumulated points for their holy shrine will pass the test. A shrine accumulates holiness by having citizens do rituals at its altar or its priests doing rituals at other shrines. A ritual is simple and takes 2 players to do. Each player can only perform 1 ritual for each god per day, and only 1 ritual with the same person. A priest doing a ritual at his own shrine is only worth 1point for your team, but non-affliated worshipers doing rituals count for 2 points your team. Also praying at another shrine gains 1 point for your team per ritual.

Anyone have a link to German discussion/original work on this test?

IRC log of discussion on this Test prior to implementation in T2

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Last edited September 8, 2005 9:25 pm by FaceAnkh (diff)