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Users > Afrah > DesertPaintLab

Gathering data on one's personal paint ingredient reactions is usually a laborious process which involves spreadsheets, and either sampling and math, or pixel counting. The intention of Desert Paint Lab is to remove most of the tedious busy work from this process, while minimizing the potential for human error.

System Requirements

Desert Paint Lab will run on any machine that runs Java 1.42 or later. This should include every platform that runs ATITD. Anyone running Mac OSX should already have Java installed with the operating system. Windows and Linux users can find downloads here:



Desert Paint Lab will be made available under the BSD license, as soon as the software is done beta testing.


If you find any bugs in the software, feel free to contact Afrah, in-game, or follow the bug reporting instructions under Help > Contact, in the program.


You can download the package here:


If you have a copy of Sigil's Practical Paint, you should unzip the files from the package inside the directory that Practical Paint is installed in. It should overwrite Sigil's obsolete colors.txt file with the corrected version. If you aren't running Practical Paint, you should create a new directory, and unzip the files into that directory.


There is a full tutorial available.

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Last edited April 13, 2006 7:22 am by Afrah (diff)